More like a Mii mob lolz

Mum get ticked off at her boyfriend and decided we should go shopping...
We got some CDs(two are mine), two PSP games(both FF), two or three DVDs(Sweeney Todd FTW), a Wii and various Wii games.

She had me set the Wii up this morning afternoon, now I'm creating a Mii mob so we can all stand in the background while my mom's Mii plays games and giggle at her.
So far she's outnnumbered 4 to 1 //w*
It's me, Ash, Ray and Alex right now, dunno who to add next. GAH if only it had a wider choice of designing options. Ah well, cest la vie...

As for Pokemon, I'm running around trying to train...
*sighs* I miss N already //__=

