Ever make plans only to have something mess them up? Ever have something mess them up and make your day suck?
Yeah, everyone has at least one of those days.
Mine was Tuesday...
At some point between Monday night and Tuesday morning, someone went and smashed the back window of my mum's car. Who and why? We don't know...
We had planned to go to Wal-mart to do some shopping, but that plan went to hell once she saw the window in the morning while putting stuff in the mailbox. Then that lead to her and her boyfriend arguing about it and other things throughout the day
Thankfully I was talking to Ash during part of it so I could vent and be random as usual.
Ah, and Ash also helped me find my dad's address since he moved and hadn't called me since...2010 maybe? So I'm going to try to send him a early birthday card to show him that I still acknowledge his existence despite the silence.
Someone should be out here fixing the window sometime tomorrow afternoon, then we can go to the library so I can return my books and Wal-Mart. We're going to try to get Epic Mickey and The Micheal Jackson Experience for the Wii.
Speaking of the Wii, my Mii mob is still growing, 33+ bro~