Random Akatsuki thoughts

I drew a picture of the Akatsuki saying random things and was gonna post it on here. BUT IT WAS TOO BIG APPARENTLY... So I'll just type them in the order that they were drawn in...sorry.

Pein: ^__T GOT FAITH?
Hidan: >___<; Jashin damn it!
Konan: ^.^ Paper Cut no Jutsu!
Sasori: =___= Why is the rum gone?!
Tobi: >.< They're taking the hobbits to Isengard!
Deidara: ^__^ I AM IRON MAN!
Itachi: ^/_^ I saw a squirral!
Kisame: T_T Fish are friends, not food...

I'll might think of something random for Zetsu and Kakuzu...MAYBE.

