Hi there!
You’re probably wondering why I decided to make this account, and, I plan to tell you. But first, HAPPY NEW YEAR! I chose to wait til this exact date to create this account for several reasons. I wanted this to serve as a sort of New years’ Resolution(as fickle as they are), and…well…honestly? I just really liked the number. LAWLS. 1/1/11 Bwaha.
Ok Ok. What is this account for? Well, I want to start a blog, and, I don’t want to spam my lovely, wonderful, beautiful subscribers whom I love so much with my boring day to day updates, since I plan to make this a daily journal for myself. Yes, I could start a blog account on some random site…but, I wouldn’t frequent it the way I do theO. I love theOtaku. I really do. There are so many wonderful people here, I love the world layouts, and so I figured, why not just make it here. Anyone who wants to read or follow me can, and those who don’t, don’t have to be bothered! Win-Win I say <3
About the Name. Vixen. Female Fox. <3 The most simple explanation would be to say I did it cause as many of you know, I run with Gin Ichimaru~ Mister Silver Fox himself. I actually ran a voting amongst a couple friends, and they all chose Vixen as well, so there ya go. *laughs*
Another question may be, Why do you need a personal journal? Well, I spend a lot of my time online because I enjoy it…and I really need to get back into a writing routine. So this is going to be my way to do that. Everyday, sit down and just write a post/journal entry. If I succeed, I should have 365 posts come the end of the year. >: ) Wish me luck, I’m totally going to need it. Especially if I ever intend to finish the rest of my novels.
Okay, I think that’s enough for now. To everyone who subs me, I desperately hope I don’t bore you too much, and that maybe you enjoy getting to know me a little better. Maybe learn some things about me you wouldn’t have guessed. I wish everyone a good year, even though we all know it’s always sunny at the beginning…cloudy/stormy through the rest, then a party at the end when it’s all over. *coughs* But, we seem to pull through alright in the end, ne? Or at least a little wiser than we were before. : )
Take care friends, and…See you tomorrow~ AFTER I get home from LA. Let’s see if I can keep myself together long enough to write about it this time.