Time to learn a little bit about me~
I have a really big family.
Mom's Side:
3 Uncles
2 Aunts(Marriage)
5 cousins
+ Extended family if you include my mother's aunts/uncles and children from those families.
Dad's Side:
3 Uncles
1 Aunt(blood)
2 Aunts(marriage)
10 Cousins
+ Extended Family and relations >.< Alot.
On my father's side, both of my grandparents are deceased. RiP. And on my Mother's side, only my Grandfather remains.
Now that you know all that, my next post will make some sense. I have a bit to spill, but I wanted the basics to be listed first. xD
Today was pretty boring. And you know what? I LOVED IT. Boring is good. -w- b I really hope the rest of this month just glides by...it's been so hard this year. T-T
Take care everyone, I'm off to get some rest. ^^