"Just a Second!" A Muffled cry called out, followed by the sound of footsteps approaching from behind the door; it swung open, SK's face twisted in a somewhat irritated expression. That is...until he realized it was me...then it turned to one of pure shock. "Miss....Miss Kaori?" He stumbled.
"I know...I'm so sorry for just dropping in on you like this...but I didn't have your number and we HAVE to-" I started, all the while my eyes slowly moving from his face downwards. Mid-sentence I realized he was wearing NOTHING but his boxer-shorts...My bag of apples collided with the floor once again...followed by Ryuk yelling at the top of his lungs at me...but I didn't hear a word. My eyes were frozen on SK's surprisingly fit exterior...until I realized I was staring...slowly my face flushed and then SK noticed himself. His eyes went wide and he dashed back for his living room...grabbing a pillow first...but quickly exchanging it for a blanket.
My own eyes wide, I knelt down for the second time to retrieve the no doubt "bruised" apples. Ryuk was whining...but I continued to ignore him. The air was tense and it was very quiet...only getting more and more awkward...
"I'm..so sorry Miss Kaori-" SK began, but I interrupted him.
"Anyhow, did you happen to see the news report yet today?" I spoke quickly...my eyes still glued firmly to the apples...and nothing else. Closing the door after I'd cleared the doorway, I crawled inside for the stragglers. "I suppose I'll just tell you either way. A Pair of Detectives have arrived in Japan to investigate the 'KIRA' Case."
"About that...I suppose there's something that should be said..." SK conversed. "It just so happens...I'm acquainted with these detectives."
"Acquainted?! How....?" I nearly shouted coming to my feet. Yet seeing SK still half-naked was still a little too much for me...I always DID have a thing for a man's naked torso... >.>' Before he could answer me, I made a break for his bathroom in order to compose myself.
There ya go Snatcher-chan!! Have fun contending with Dante! XD