-A New KIRA-

I was walking home from work. It'd just been another boring day. As I walked my street I noticed yet another flyer had been pinned up.

"Beware Serial Killer has been sighted in this area." I read. It was sickening. "If KIRA were still around...stuff like this wouldn't happen." No sooner had the words left my lips than out of nowhere something fell behind me. I turned to find a black notebook, lying open on the ground. Closing it, it read "Death Note"

"Huh? Death Note?" I questioned. Then I opened it up. "How it works..."

I read all the rules and slightly laughed...but took it home with me anyway. The apartment in which I lived lie dormant and dark. Flicking the switch I turned on the light and gave it life. My cat Arthur ran up to me and rubbed on my legs.

"Good Evening, Sir Arthur." I joked. "You must be hungry. Where is Remu anyway??" After feeding him, I found a note on the counter from my little sister.

Because I know you forgot...I'll be at a friends house overnight...so don't get all worried or anything...


P.S. And since I KNOW you would starve without me...your dinner is in the oven. Try not to burn it when you warm it up.

I giggled a bit and looked in the oven at the dinner she'd left me. "That girl..."

I looked to my bag...the Death Note was peeking out a bit. I ignored it and instead ate my dinner. After, I took my tea into the living room and sat down. It was still there...taunting me. Gradually I pulled it from my bag and began reading it once more. "This is crazy...unless...maybe the Savior Kira had found something like this?"

Laughing at my craziness, I dismissed the thought and went to bed. The next morning when I woke up, something big, and black was in the corner of my room. The Serial Killer!!! Was my immediate thought. But as my eyes cleared, I found something far more gruesome.

A pale skinned, creature with bulging eyes and a crooked smile. Jagged yellow teeth that seemed could rip through my being in an instant gleamed in the morning sun. His attire was black, his shirt seemed sewn to his body and his arms and legs weren't of normal lengths either. No...he was a monster. Looking back at his face, his raven black hair stood on end, and a piercing in his left ear drew my attention. A silver heart that dangled and glistened lightly.

I nearly jumped out of my skin...but kept my composure somehow. Maybe my soul had already left my body...who could tell...

"So, you have the Death Note right?" He moaned. "Well Speak up!" He stated when I failed to reply.

"That's not real...is it?" I said quietly.

He laughed. "As real as I am. Haven't you even tried it out yet?"

"No...I haven't had enough time...not like I would..." I stated, giving excuses.

"I'll be back once you have...I'm sure you'll be full of questions then..." He laughed and disappeared.

What the Hell? I thought loudly. I had just stumbled on that book yesterday...and WHY would I want to try it out...unless...I could continue KIRA's work...

Slapping the sides of my face I stood up abruptly and shook such thoughts from my head. I was overworked....yeah...that was just a hallucination and the book was just some kids prank. They probably threw it at me to see if I'd pick it up... "I must look pathetic." I mumbled. Yet speaking of work....I HAD TO GET UP!!

Arthur meowed loudly in the kitchen and I fed him his breakfast. I brushed my teeth, got ready for work and was out the door as usual. "Ah..." I sighed. "Another mundane day in paradise." I spoke sarcastically walking to work.

When I got there I overheard the other women in the break room discussing the morning news.

"It's crazy! He obviously killed them! The proof was irrefutable...yet because he had such a smooth lawyer he's getting off!" One shouted.

I took an immediate interest. He wouldn't get off if KIRA were still around...I found myself thinking once more.

"Yes it's true...but in this world it seems the only thing that truly matters is MONEY." The other sighed. "There were rumors of a payoff...apparently the guy was loaded...how else could he afford a lawyer like that?"

"It's sickening...if KIRA were..." The first began.

"SHHHH! Don't talk like that...KIRA is long gone...what will people think if you supported someone like that?" The other quickly silenced her. "I mean...it's one thing when you're a teenager, but we're adults now..." She continued to lecture.

I walked to my desk. It was true though...KIRA had been on the path of creating a world of good. Yet the police wouldn't rest until they ended that dream...even though it wasn't ACTUALLY the police. It was all still shrouded in mystery just WHY KIRA disappeared...but I was sure it was some secret branch of the police...I mean...why else would he stop in the middle like that? When he was so close...

"Whatever. None of my concern." I disregarded getting to work. As I unpacked my briefcase IT was there. The "Death Note". I contemplated throwing it out...yet for some odd reason I merely closed my briefcase and left it there. Promptly getting to work.

The time flew by and soon my watch chimed, it was almost lunch break. I got ready to go when the same women from before came screeching into the room. They ran to the Television and flipped it on. It was a live report of the release of some man. He was standing in front of a courthouse surrounded by the press.

"Natsuhiko Takamura is on his way out of the County Courthouse a free man today, following a long and intense court case." The reporter chimed. She then swarmed the man herself. "Mr. Takamura! Do you feel that Justice has been served here today?"

The man smiled maliciously. Just LOOKING at him...you could see he was guilty...that smug expression..."That's right. The best kind of justice..." He answered happily.

"Chh...Best kind of justice...you don't KNOW justice..." I muttered to myself. I found myself subconsciously reaching for my briefcase. Pulling the Death Note out, I read the words on the inside cover once again. I think it was mainly wishful thinking...

-The Human whose name is written in this note shall die.
-This note will not take effect unless the writer has the person's face in their mind while writing his/her name. Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be effected.
-If the cause of death is written within 40 seconds of writing the person's name, it will happen.
-If the cause of death is not specified, the person will simply die of a heart attack.
-After writing the cause of death, details of the death should be written in the next 5 minutes and 40 seconds.

"This is SOME elaborate prank those kids pulled. Like they thought every little detail out..." I muttered quietly.

On a whim, I put my pen to the paper. On the off chance that this thing works...I'd have to make the cause of death something good. A heart attack is TOO common...I wouldn't have any proof. But then again...this IS JUST A PRANK...so I don't think it would hurt to get a little creative. I mean...it's not like it'll work anyway...

--Natsuhiko Takamura--takes reporter hostage but is suddenly thrown into a frenzy. Blood streams from his eyes, nose and mouth, and he dies from a sudden and intense brain hemorrhage.--

I put my pen down my watch chiming 12:00pm, and watched the TV as that criminal continually flaunted his win...speaking of the truest forms of justice. I could almost SEE the blood on his hands...nothing was happening though. Impatiently I closed the book and put it away. I knew it was a prank...but I almost wish it wasn't...

Five minutes after now. I had to get going. I picked up my stuff and prepared to leave when suddenly the girls started squealing in front of the Television.

"OMG! LOOK! Sakamoto-san!" They called out, halting me. I jerked my head up to look.

Takamura had a hold of the Reporter and was dragging her up the stairs in a crazy fit...then out of nowhere blood began to stream down his face...first his eyes, then his nose and he coughed...blood...He fell to the ground, leaving the reporter hysterical and the press swarming wildly.

"Oh my gosh! He's...dead!" The Woman shouted. The police intervened and shortly after the broadcast was cut off.

I sat down in my chair hard. It was me...the book wasn't a prank...I wasn't hallucinating this morning...THE MONSTER WAS REAL! The realization was hard to grasp...and while I didn't want to believe it...those results were irrefutable. That was TOO RANDOM to ever happen because I wanted it to.

"He just died on TV! What do you think happened? That was so ODD!" One of the women chimed. "Sakamoto-san...what do you think?"

"Uh, That was really scary!" I feigned. I had to keep my composure and act normal at ALL COSTS. "All that blood! I hate Blood!"

"I know!" They agreed. "Scary!"

"Even though he deserved it..." I heard the other woman mumble.

"I think I'm going home for the rest of the day...I'm not feeling well..." I suddenly stated. "I'll see you guys later."

After getting permission to leave, I went straight home. Arthur rubbed at my legs but I was completely oblivious...I had just killed a man...it was MY doing...so it was true. KIRA MUST HAVE HAD THIS POWER! That's when it hit me. If that's true...and it fell into my hands...then I was MEANT to continue his work! To right the wrongs and build his world of peace! I would do it...with my own two hands...and I wouldn't let ANYONE stop me...I wouldn't be caught.

-End of Act ONE...A NEW KIRA!- lol.
Kira: YES! Finally off to a start! If you are confused how to jump in remember this...the TV broadcast was aired all over! You can all start out seeing that STRANGE DEATH on TV from ur pov! If you're confused that is...lol...otherwise start wherever you like! ^^

Hope you all have a good time!

Oh, and when posting, please put ur character's first name as the tag! ^^ Or whatever they are called most often. ^^
