Dinnertime Visitor

We were having a good time. As expected Remu LOVED the fact that I'd gotten groceries so I had no trouble convincing her to fix some Ohagi...in fact, I didn't have to say anything at all. She jumped in the kitchen and started straight off. I sat at the table with Mizawa as we watched Remu work happily in the kitchen. As they chatted I casually interjected...however my main focus rest on the Shinigami in the living room. He was nosy. Examining everything with awe.

The girls brought up a band...An Cafe. They wanted to go so I made a mental note to buy them tickets. I would make Remu go...even IF she thought she'd have to stay home and study. My gosh, she was smart enough, she'd do just fine on exams.

When we finally sat down to eat, I was slightly self-conscious. Ryuk stood glaring at me...drooling. I tried my best to ignore him and took a bite. Miza-chan asked for soy sauce and as Remu went to get it I didn't realize Ryuk followed her. He knocked a pot down by accident and it landed on her head of all places. I involuntarily slapped my palm to my forehead and threw him a wicked glare.

"Kaori?" Remu moaned questionably standing up. I looked at her and plastered a huge fake grin on.

"You should be more careful Remu!" I laughed. Yet the moment Miza-chan started talking with Remu about it, I glared at him again.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. We all looked at the door simultaneously.

"Ugh, I'll get it, just clean up the mess." I relinquished. Upon it's descent the pan had knocked over some flour or something...starch maybe? It needed cleaning up, I really didn't care how.

"Heh, to get out of cleaning it yourself right?" Remu giggled sticking her tongue at me.

"What? You knocked it over!" I stuck my tongue back at her.

"Wait Kaori-chan!" Mizawa stuttered grabbing my arm. "What if it's the...serial killer..." She whispered...probably goofing off with me.

I laughed and pulled her off. "First of all, serial killers don't knock, and if he WAS stupid enough to knock on MY door...he'd be sorry he ever MET me. I'd tear him apart." I stated smugly. I may not be able to cook very well...and I HATED to clean...but I KNEW how to fight. And I could defend myself exceptionally well.

The girls laughed and I opened the door. I found a young man with a measuring cup. His physical features were quite...unique. One wouldn't be able to forget him quickly at least. The purest and brightest white...not only his attire but his hair and eyebrows. He was quite handsome, but what I found most lovely were his bright, piercing, blue eyes. Eyes that were currently focused...well....not on my face.

I raised an eyebrow and cleared my throat. "Can I HELP you?"

That seemed to snap him out of his shock, he bowed then looked up and smiled. "Good Evening, I'm sorry to call on you like this...but you see I was wondering if I could borrow a cup of sugar."

I just noticed the measuring cup in his hands. "Sure, come in a sec." I led him to just inside the entrance and closed the door, he gave me the measuring cup and I took it to the kitchen. "Remu, fill this up with sugar will ya?"

"Gee...don't even know where that is huh?" She mocked.

I gave her a QUIT BEING SARCASTIC WE HAVE COMPANY expression and she hurried up. Mizawa-chan stood next to me staring at the man dreamily. I shook my head and noticed Ryuk examining him close up. I swallowed.

"Heh Heh...like white much?" Ryuk laughed. "This guy is something alright..."

I sighed...just trying to block his voice from my ears. "So, uh..." I began...but drew a blank, I didn't know his name...

"OH! How terribly rude of me..." He snapped to. "My name is Haguro, Ren'ichi. I'm a neighbor from the lower floor." He laughed.

Haguro Ren? Why does that sound familiar?? "I see." I smiled. "Sakamoto Kaori. Here comes my little sister Remumaru. And this here is Tsunati Mizawa." They each bowed a bit as I introduced them. I took the sugar from Remu and handed it to him. "And here you are. Nice meeting you and good luck with whatever you're making."

He left carefully and I turned back to look at the two girls...still gazing fondly at where he'd been standing. I walked up to them and pinched them both hard on their cheeks. "He's gone now so hurry up and finish dinner...but it's probably gone cold..."

We finished the meal anyway and as Remu walked Mizawa out to the entrance of our building I cleared away the dishes. Another day down, and though it hadn't been very normal, it was alright. I went to my jacket pocket and pulled out the napkin I'd found on the street. "I knew it...that man's name sounded so similar because of this...."

I read the signature of the note once more. "HAGAREN... Haguro, Ren'ichi perhaps??" I deliberated. "No way..."

"What's that? A love letter?" Ryuk chimed in.

"Don't be silly. It's just that paper from the street...it's nothing."

It was a strange letter...I couldn't exactly go up to that kind, young man throwing accusations. Therefore I placed it in the incense burner and burnt it up. As it turned to ash I decided to go ahead and light some incense up...perhaps it would help me relax enough to sleep tonight.

