Are You Ok?

"I'm fine. I'm fine," I said back to Mizawa. "Trust me I'm fine.....I just didn't realize.....I haven't taken my meds today....I'm going to go straight home and take them."

"Remu are you serious! REM! You know as well as I do that if you don't take your lung medication, they'll constrict! Get home now missy!"

I laughed a bit.

"Mizawa you act like a mom," I smiled. "And I was already going home to begin with. Do you want to come home with me Mi-chan?" I asked.

"Sure, do you know when Kaori-san is coming home? I want to personally have a talk with her about the fact she doesn't take care of you!" Mizawa started.

I laughed for a second and then saw she was serious.

"Oh come on Mi," I started. "She does the best she can, and I'm grateful for that."

"But she lets you go to school without taking your meds, and you take care of teh house all the time," Mizawa started.

"Mi.....I....I haven't been taking my meds for a while....." I started.

Mizawa's eyes nearly buldged out of her head.

"WHY REMU!" she yelled.

Sseveral people turned their heads.

"Nothing to see here people!" Mizawa yelled. "Get a dam life all of you!"

"Mizawa....." I started. "I....just thought I was getting better or something....and I wanted to save a bit of money, so I haven't taken any lately...."

"Remu you're endangering yourself! Stop it now! I don't need you dying on me any time soon!" Mizawa said somewhat harshly.

"Mi-chan I'm not going to die," I laughed trying to lighten the mood.

"If you have an athsma attack and you're off your meds, you will die Rem....." Mizawa said looking hurt.

"I...I'm sorry...." I started.

"And what would Karoi-san do if you died? She would have lost everyone! Remu you can't leave your sister alone! And if you died I would be sad....." Mizawa answered.

"I'm sorry....." I said.

As we got back to my house, I pressed the door open and Arthur jumped away in a panic. I turned on a light and then another.

"Wonder where Sis is," I started. "She's usually home by now....."
