
I arrived in Japan during the early hours of Sunday morning. The plane trip was awful - I was wedged between two disgusting teenage boys who kept trying to make conversation with me. As if. I quickly exited the plane and walked into the terminal's washroom to refresh myself. I removed my bag from my back and withdrew an outfit that would make me 'blend in' with the crowd. Ugh. It was awful having to mingle with all the boring people - they had no motive, no nothing, they didnt do anything out of line. I sighed, pulling on a dark red sleevless top with a slogan on the front. To be honest, it wasnt too bad. At least it was red. I stepped into a pair of dark tights and pulled my own short tartan skirt over the top of it - the only garment that was actually mine. I put on a grey jacket and boots and stepped out of the cubicle. I took a moment to refresh my make-up and do my hair (unfortunately, part of this expedition depended on making people feel secure so I had to 'appeal' to them) before walking out of the airport and into the open air. Feeling the wind on my face was exhilerating after spending so many hours on a plane - it cleared my head and I managed to think. Who to track first? I decided to go after JJ, as it was closer. I called a taxi and began the slow drive to the Shinjuku district, putting in my headphones as I did so. I smiled to myself. I had the perfect alibi - now all I needed to do was find some information to be able to get inside Kira's head. It was all good and according to plan. I felt my eyes close and I drifted to sleep as we drove down the road.
