Hear of Kira?

"Hey Remu!" Mizawa yelled up to my window. "Hurry up or you're going to make us late!"

I looked down and nodded.

"I'm coming!" I yelled. As I ran down staris, I noticed Sis was looking paler than usual. I wondered if she was getting sick again. "You ok?" I asked. She looked up at me somewhat startled.

"Oh Remu," she started.

"Have you been up....again?" I asked. "You really need to get to bed at a decent hour. I have to go to school now, and you better get going too."

As I walked out to meet Mizawa, she gave me a cross look.

"Remu are you ok?" she asked.

I luaghed for a moment. "I just asked Sis if she was ok hahahaha."

"Well you need to worry about yourself too," Mizawa said sharply.

As we walked towards the train station, Mizawa picked up a paper and pretended to read it. It was her new fad to make guys believe that she was a bookie. I just continued walking. As we entered the train a lot of noise entered my ears. It was vaguely annoying.

"Hey Remu have you heard the rumors?" Mizawa asked not looking up from her paper.

"Hm?" I asked casually.

"Kira is supposed to be back or something," Mizawa continued.

"Pft as if Mi-chan," I answered. "Kira's been dead for a while."

"Well those are the rumors," Mizawa continued.

"And probably started by the same people who started the rumor about that guy who died at the court house," I answered. Secretly the idea of having Kira alive again sparked my interest. I wanted to know more about these....rumors....
