January 28, 2023--8:30am
--Paris, France
I sat calmly reading the morning newspaper and sipping a cup of lukewarm tea. Earl Grey with Lemon. The telephone rang...much to my annoyance...I knew exactly what the conversation was going to be about. I was actually surprised it'd taken me so long to get the call.
"Yes?" I answered in my calm and sophisticated tone.
"Yes?! YES?!! Is that ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY?!!!" The voice on the other end blared. "Don't you know what's going on?! HOW CAN YOU BE SO NONCHALANT?!"
I sighed. "First of all, will you PLEASE lower your voice?" I stated firmly. "No one should be subjected to such shouting so EARLY in the morning. Secondly, stop talking to me as though I owe you something...if anything, you should be treating me with the HIGHEST of respect for what you are about to demand of me, and lastly...of COURSE I have heard what is going on. Only someone completely cut off from all forms of communication wouldn't have heard the current status of the panic in the world, you imbecile."
There was silence.
"On that matter: I believe the media are all complete idiots. Throwing the people of the world into a panic on a whim...it will only serve to work in his favor...gathering together the lost followers in a united front." I voiced freely. Not to mention confuse matters immensely.
"So you DO think he's back...I was afraid of that." The voice spoke lowly. "That means...we'll have to take THAT action..."
I smiled. "What's wrong...Interpol drawing a blank again? I know they've been completely lost without L...but come now...it's been 10 years...this is getting to be an embarrassment." I criticized harshly. "Don't tell me...I'm to make an appearance in Lyon? What a bother...with this cold front too..."
"The weather?" The voice commented...nearly failing him. "KIRA has returned...and you're worried about the BLOODY WEATHER?! That's just like you...I swear..."
"What?" I interrupted him forcefully. "I don't recall having anything to do with the KIRA case. My priorities are myself...that has never changed. Unless, my status on this case Has changed...then that is a different matter entirely."
Silence again. That was the trouble with Jon...he always had a difficult time Spitting things out...always leaving me to PRY the words from him. I wouldn't do that this time...I was having too much fun reveling in his woe.
"Well then Jon, I'm afraid my schedule is full today, and since you've nothing to offer me to shift my appointments, I should get to them." I moved to hang up.
"No! .... Wait!" Jon called out loudly. He sighed heavily. "You've been summoned to headquarters...they wish to assign you the case...but I don't know all the details. Will you do it? Make an appearance?"
I nearly laughed how he was fidgeting under pressure. He really didn't agree with my methods while investigating cases, we'd worked together in the past at one time, but now, we were on totally different levels. He'd remained in the force as a lowly ranked and hardly noticeable detective...one of their several dogs...while I had struck out on my own, becoming one of the top...if not the best...detective in the WORLD. My services were demanded internationally...I had gone to heights Jon could only DREAM of reaching. "You know I won't turn down a request without at least hearing out the proposition. Give me the details."
"Yeah...I'm sure you're just jumping at this one. I know you've always been obsessed with KIRA." Jon commented sarcastically.
"The Details Jon." I stated harshly. He preceded to give them to me and I hung up the phone.
I picked it up again and dialed. I sighed impatiently at just HOW long it was taking for him to answer....he was probably STILL in bed...
"...yeah?" The voice on the other end answered.
"It's hello, or good morning...not UGH...Yeah." I corrected irritably. "Never-mind that. Dante. Clear up any Unfinished Business you may have here in Paris. I have a feeling we'll be leaving within a few days time."
"What?" He questioned me. "What the heck gives you..."
"KIRA." I answered firmly. Dante was totally silent...probably wracked with excitement. The same adrenaline I was feeling. "That's right. I'll be getting the details soon...just take care of business alright? I'll be in touch again soon with all the details on our departure."
I got off the phone with him and grabbed my coat. Off to take care of MY unfinished business.
Well here is Auron's first appearance. I hope it was alright and you all liked it. I look forward to participating from now on!! Haha now that KIRA is back I can!
Oh by the way...I should probably warn you all...Auron is a tad Sadistic...I forgot to put that on his Profile. haha. He likes to watch people squirm sometimes...>_>