Kira wherefore art thou

30th Janurary 2023 (monday)

After finishing the morning news on Sakura Tv, we headed for school. Everyone greeted us with bright faces. We said hello and tried to work our way through the crowds that seemed to engulf us.

"Excuse me, Excuse me.... MOVE IT!!." came a familiar voice from the crowd.
"HATSUHARU!!" both me and Cookie yelled as he came into veiw.
"Come on. where going to be late for class." He grabbed our hands and pulled us out of the crowd. We waved and blew kisses as we passed all our fellow school students. Then suddenly Hatsu stopped, and we ran into him.

"Your Televsion show will ruin you. You will both die, be enemies to each other and die by the hand of the other. You will never be the same." Came the demonic voice of the girl infront of us. It was Rin, she liked to call herelf Grim though for some reason. She was an exchage student who had only RESENTLY learnt Japenese.

"Rin out of our way were late for class." Hatsu's defiant voice came from infront of us.
"These twins will show that blood as thick as it seems. They wil die by each others hand. Kira our lord will see to the death of those who are non-believers."

"Kira is a crim...." Before Cookie could finish her sentence i lashed out.

I hit the girl infront of us with a right hook. Then kicked her in the stomach before i did a flip over her and pushed her head first into the dirt.

"CURSE YOU, YOU DAMNED WITCH!!!" she screamed.
I simply walked away. Looking over my shoulder i saw Hatsu and Cookie standing there...
"You two coming, where gonna be late for class."
"COMING... " they both said running after me. Cookie was deathly quiet as we walked into the class room. Why hadn't she joined me in defending our rank as Kira supporters. She thought the same as i did. We were the same in every way shape and form.....

After school the sun shone brightly a slight chill was spread through the crowd exiting the school as a stronh wind blew.

"Why did you do that this morning?" Cookie asked as we caught a glimps of Grim.
"I didnt like what she was saying. I won't stand for someone cursing us like that."
"You should have left her, were gonna get in trouble now..."
"Who would believe Grim though." i said a michivous smile spreading across my face.
"Your right. It IS hard to believe somone who isn't even ment to be in the country." Her Visa had expired a year ago, yet she still was here... she wasn't even regestered at the school yet she stil came everyday... weird.

A car pulled up and Hatori exited.
"Come COme GIRLS!!!" he said using exagerated movements to get us into the car quicker, "We have to start the afternoon show of Sakura TV in..... AHH 15 minutes!!!! IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN." his movements became more frantic as me and Cookie ran and entered into the car laughing at Hatori as he became more and more anxious that we should start on time. We sat opposite to Shigure, a small smile entered his mouth which made me and Cookie lugh even greater.

Entering the TV station we changed in a flash and came infront of the camera.

"GOOD AFTERNOON!!" We both said holding hands infront of the camera.
"Now for our first segment of the da......" Cookie was handed a note she read it quickly and then looked up at the camera, handing me the peice of paper as she began to tell of the breaking news.
"Breaking News; Kira strikes again. It has now been release to the press that Kira is suspected of having killed another thirty prisoners. No details have been given...." Cookie couldn't continue tears were swelling in her eyes like mine. Kira was getting rid of evil quicker then i expected. What a god, so powerful and now no one could defy that he was back. KIRA LIVED.

"However," i interupted, "family of criminals all around the world are told to expect the worse for their loved ones." how could anyone love a criminal. I just couldn't get it....

Cookie wiped her eyes and made a smile appear on her face again.
"But now it's time for some HAPPIER news."
"Yes, Cookie your right it's time for...."
"our favourite time in the afternoon,"
"Celebrity, True and False!!!!." we jumped up and down. The news of Kira forgottern Kira wasn't as big a celebrity as the twins Kyon and Yuke. They were the HOTTEST guys for teen girls like us... and if we were lucky in a week or so we would be INTERVEIWING them!!!

"True or False, Kyon and Yuke are going to be interveiwed by your favourite and the cutest hosts on Tv, Cookie and Rice??" Cookie asked crossing her fingers behind her back. I reached over and took the envelope which had the answear in side it...

"cookie and Rice...." i opened the envelope. " WILL BE inteveiwing Kyon and Yuke!!!! NEXT WEEK ON TUESDAY, so veiwers prepare for the most awesome celebrity brothers to come DIRECT to you by us!!!" i said Cookie was shocked into silence. I had a smile so big my cheecks began to hurt.

"My turn," i said looking at the prompter. "Is it true, or false... that the Anti-kira... task force.. have a lead into the identity of Kira...." i looked over at Cookie. Why did they always give ME these bits to ask.

"False. Kira is still faceless to the defence forces all across the world. Though it IS belived that there is not only one Kira but there is also a second...... Now it's mine!!" Cookie said turning to me with a smile.
"True or False the ANTI-Kira task force is IN Japan."

I shooed away the envelope i knew the answear to this one.. it had been on the news all this morning.
"That's an easy one. TRUE!! the anti-kira task force has landed in Japan, however it was met with GREAT hostility by Kira supporters who rallied infront of the European embissy demanding that the Anti-Kira task force leave kira to clean up the mess of Criminals all around the world."

I looked down the camera there were still a few true and false questins to continue on with but for now, that was all that concerend kira. My idol. Idol-sama.

As the True anf False segment ended we talked with a local girl that had saved a cat from a drain pipe. Kira was like this little girl saving all of us from the tidal wave of crime that had been threatening to drown us all.

WEEEEE, ok so i'm going camping but feel free to use SaKura Tv interveiws etc. If you want you can even make up an interveiw. Remember Sakura TV is here for You guys to get your voice OUT THERE!!!
