What Say You?

29 January, 2023

I felt myself growing more and more anxious after hearing the clock chime in noon. I looked around a bit...wondering if he would be able to "find" me here. Feeling foolish I just sat straight once more...trying to ease my anxiousness.

"heh heh heh...What're you so worried about? I thought you didn't WANT any help?" Ryuk chuckled from behind.

I rolled my eyes. He only seemed to get entertainment from my problems. "I never said that...I just..." I stopped mid-sentence realizing I was speaking aloud. How? By the look a woman with her small boy had given me...rushing him off as though I were insane. Someone to run away from... "Hah...you have the right idea about me...but for an altogether WRONG reason..." I muttered. With the blood that stained my hands now...why wouldn't I expect them to fear me?

Reaching into my purse I pulled out my phone and put it up to my ear. "I never said I didn't WANT help...I said it would be dangerous." I spoke to Ryuk...he merely laughed at me for the effort I had to go through to speak with him. WITHOUT looking like a psycho. "You know...do me a favor and just refrain from asking me questions in public. I know you won't keep your sarcasm to yourself...but really...don't expect me to acknowledge you."

"Oh, so you think that..." Ryuk began but I lifted my hand up and snapped the cell phone shut...almost right in his face. As though I were "hanging up" on him. He broke into yet another fit of laughter. Apparently, he got the implication.

" I Hope You Have Good News For Me Mrs. Kaori... I Don't Leave The House On The 29th For Just Anybody Or Anyreason... Now Then, Shall We Discuss Our Business? " A voice suddenly spoke. It was SK.

I turned straight with a jolt and plastered a rather hasty, awkward looking smirk on my face...hoping he hadn't seen my little...exchange with Ryuk. "Glad you could make it...but...why exactly don't you go out on the 29th?" For a moment...it seemed that he wasn't even paying attention to me...his eyes were darting from side to side...he seemed nervous at every little thing...jittery even. "...SK?"

His eyes snapped back to me and he attempted to focus. "Um, yes?"

I stood up and gathered my things. Maybe he doesn't like being around so many people... I debated. "Come with me SK. We have to discuss our business elsewhere anyway."

I walked past him and led him to the nearby park. This was the reason I'd chosen this location to begin with...the peaceful seclusion you could find within this western style park was incredible. The ginko trees were beautiful...a real sight in the autumn. Yet we weren't here for sightseeing. Finding a nice bench in a secluded area, I slowly gazed around...just to make doubly sure there were no eavesdroppers.

"Alright, we'll sit here...uh...SK?" I began...turning around to find him still in his extremely paranoid state. "SK...what's the matter?"

"This day...that's what's the matter!" He suddenly snapped. "You never know what might happen on a day like this...that cursed number..."

I couldn't tell if he was talking to me...or himself. I just knew...I didn't have time to waste...I would have to get back to work soon. This was just a lunch break after all. "SK please...just sit down." I stated in a slightly firm tone. He seemed to think something over in his mind...took a deep breath...and did as requested. "I will not refer to what I'm speaking about so openly...but I'm sure you understand without me having to phrase it outright anyhow."

He didn't say a word...just listened intently to me...his jittering stopped as he seemed ready to absorb everything I was about to say and process it.

I took another deep breath. "I have decided...I will..." I paused...it was hard to say...but I couldn't hesitate. "...accept your offer. Now don't get all excited or anything...you have to prove yourself to me. I can't just openly trust someone I know virtually nothing about, but since you do share a very 'specific' similarity with me...I'm willing to give you a chance. As long as you remember this ONE thing...above all...we CANNOT be caught. I don't care what we have to do...we cannot risk being captured and revealed. What we do...it's in the Savior's name...in order to realize the world they were trying to create...we must stain ourselves in the blood of criminals...and this is why we shall take up the name...as well as the cause..." I had all but dropped my voice to below a whisper towards the end of my lecture...but I was sure SK had heard me...SK and no one else...

A slight smirk began to play across SK's lips...and he almost looked the part of a mad scientist having realized his experiment a success. His eyes filled with joy, he gazed deep into my own...with a sense of excitement...a sense of purpose...a sense of need. I was sure this was the expression I'd worn the first time I'd come to the realization of what I had to do...in KIRA's name...yes...the exact same expression.

"So what do you say SK...can I trust you...with my very life? With the duty to carry out our pious task against any and all obstacles that would dare stand against us? I offer you an olive branch...this one and only time...do you accept it wholeheartedly? Or meet it with a dagger..." Possessed by my own will to invoke the seriousness of the matter, I seemed to speak in riddles.

The wind began to blow...it's chill forcing me to turn away from it as I awaited my response...the response that would change everything for me.

Have at it Snatcher-chan!! I wanted to leave it open so that you could relate SK's Response ^-^ Thought you might have fun with that. And you were right! I gave it a little time and BAM! It just flowed so well. : ) Thanx a lot!

Sorry it took so long though! lol...I know there are a couple posts waiting for it! -_-'
