What time is it?

How does one scare a ghost? By making it relive (ha, live) it's death, that's how. There's your bit of wisdom.

As far as the thought for the day goes... I'm fat, I'm lazy, I'm tired, I've got a mountain of school work to do, and this is my last weekend of work.

All of these things can be remedied though (for the low LOW price of 5 easy payments of $45 a month for 16 years [woah woah, what the !#@$] kidding of course). The problem is the order in which they must be done.

Fat can not be solved over the course of one week (unless extreme measures are taken). So that's kinda on the backburner for the moment. That is of course unless you couple it with having the work that I do. Since I started this semester, my belt no longer serves a purpose. My pants hold my belt up now, kinda weird.

Lazy... let's face it, that will NEVER be solved. It's not a dangerous sloth lazy though, so it's dealable.

Tired...can wait till next weekend ;_;

Mountain of school work. These seem to come in waves. I left for school break with nothing on my plate but 1 easy paper. Now, mind you it's only been 2 days since break (which was only 2 days itself heh), I have 3 papers, 2 art projects, a presentation, an exam, and the ever loving threat of daily quizes. How to solve this in a week? Doesn't matter, if it isn't done somehow I'm screwed ^^; so it'll be done in some way shape or form. I currently have straight Bs though, so I can take a hit or two without consiquence.

Last weekend of work? Isn't this cause for rejoice? (the box right next to my laptop just shuttered... I'm a little concerned... anyways) Not really, I'm bleeding money thanks to gas prices, so once my paychecks stop coming in I have to cut back on... I'm not even sure, the only thing I've paid for in the last 3 months is gas and food.

/sigh, I'm gonna go back to writing that gov't paper. I'm not even sure if it's due tomorrow, cause our teacher is old and confused and can't give us clear instructions.
