The end complete

As you've all seen (heh, using the term all still makes me chuckle when posting on here) I haven't been updating at all recently. Well, that's going to continue ^^; Semester just ended this past friday, and my ol' job starts up again this tuesday. Fun times.

What I will be doing however, is uploading a number of new pictures. I've put up a few already, the one for Tiggerola's contest and two from art classes past. I've got one or two more that can fit in my scanner, so those should go up in the next few days.

Now, for some real business. I would like to take requests for pictures, they can be in full color (medium will be paint, not that crummy color pencil I used to use) or shaded like these I'm posting now.

So yeah, give me a series and specific characters and I'll have a picture posted and dedicated within the week of requesting.

Until then, check out my nightmares page, and spread the word.
