Welcome to my site. The same rules apply here as they do over on my original blog at MyOtaku. One day when I'm not feeling lazy, I'll post them over here.

Profile Information
Name: KitsuneTsuki
Birthday: June 5th
Gender: Female
Location: The Edge of Sanity
Occupation: Freestyle Lunatic, Goddess of Shiny Things
Real Name: Secret, but I'll give you a hint: It has two A's and two N's in it.

Have you ever...

...been so bored that you're bored of being bored?

I'm at that point. It's been so incredibly dead at work tonight. However, I'm not so bored that I want the guy from last night to come back in.

Arrgh. I. am. bored.


People are really driving me up a wall at work tonight. I've had my fill of smart-a$$es and a$$holes... and that was in the first three hours of my shift. I still have two and a half hours to go and the a$$hole is in the lobby on his laptop and he won't shut up!!!

If they're not careful, they're going to find my clipboard attached to the side of their head or inserted into bodily orifices where it won't otherwise easily fit.

And don't even get me started on the guy with pneumonia!

So... how are you?

No! No! No!

Grandmother is not a noodle!



The season has ended. *sigh*

Well, went to the last regular season hockey game Saturday night. We won 10 to 3. Yes, you read that score correctly. However, the team we were fighting against for the final playoff spot also won their game and beat us in the standings by one point. Oh well...

Also: Happy Easter!!!!