Welcome to my site. The same rules apply here as they do over on my original blog at MyOtaku. One day when I'm not feeling lazy, I'll post them over here.

Profile Information
Name: KitsuneTsuki
Birthday: June 5th
Gender: Female
Location: The Edge of Sanity
Occupation: Freestyle Lunatic, Goddess of Shiny Things
Real Name: Secret, but I'll give you a hint: It has two A's and two N's in it.


Well... I was going to say something witty and interesting here, but am being seriously distracted by Torchwood.

Oh yeah, vacation starts in just a bit under 24 hours! Whee!!!

Generic post title

Generic rant in a generic blog.

Too bored to even think of what to put here.

Seriously ready to tell a couple guys where to put their whiny little complaints. Seriously ready to tell these same two guys to get their heads out of their arses and realize that being rude is not getting them anywhere... especially since I did already try to take care of the problem they have.

Oh... for the love of Pete... I still have over an hour of this extremely boring shift to go. I think I'll pound my head on the desk for a while. It'll burn some calories....


VEry quiet right now at work. I'm considering pulling out the iPod and speakers just to have music. But then the phone will ring and ring and ring... bleh.

Vacation countdown continues!!! Have just under 3 hours of tonight's shift left, work tomorrow, off Thursday, work Friday, then I'm outta here!!! Yeah!!!

Laptop is going with me this time. I'm hoping to have a little computer brain surgery done on it so it runs a little faster. Upgrade the RAM... then also consider getting something else next year.



Is it bad when one is looking at one's iPod, watching the album artwork on the front screen and finding an artist there that one has no recollection of purchasing the song?

I was about to turn off the iPod tonight and noticed Franz Ferdinand there. So I went to the Artists list, and sure enough, there's a Franz Ferdinand song in there. I don't remember getting it!!!


6 days....

Yeah. The vacation countdown is on.

Nice day off today. Watched the Indy 500. Woohoo!!! Spider-man won again. Third win for Castroneves. Coolness!

Started watching 'House' after that. There was a marathon on USA. Worked a bit on some chain maille. Worked at it for about 2 and a half hours and got about 3 inches done. Went a little cross-eyed in the process. I may work at it for a while again tomorrow just to see how far I can get on it.

Now... Law & Order: SVU is on. I don't remember if I've seen this one or not, but I'm seriously considering hooking up the iPod and watching either 'Doctor Who' or 'Torchwood' as I usually do about this time on Sunday nights.

I just may have to find something else to do as I keep losing my connection again. *sigh*
