Welcome to my site. The same rules apply here as they do over on my original blog at MyOtaku. One day when I'm not feeling lazy, I'll post them over here.
Profile Information
Name: KitsuneTsuki
Birthday: June 5th
Gender: Female
Location: The Edge of Sanity
Occupation: Freestyle Lunatic, Goddess of Shiny Things
Real Name: Secret, but I'll give you a hint: It has two A's and two N's in it.
The weather Friday was pretty crappy. I had to get a new wiper blade Saturday because the ice on Friday killed the driver's side blade. This is the second time this winter I had to get a new wiper blade on the driver's side because of ice. When it gets right down to it, it's the second time in less than a month that I had to replace that blade!!!! ARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!
If the one I got dies within a month's time, I'm going to go back to Advance Auto Parts and tell them where to put their $22.00 wiper blade!
Yeah... you read that right. I spent $22.00 on a wiper blade. The guy at the store said he's had his for three years and hasn't replaced them.
Oh, yeah... I've done some drawing. Of sorts. DeviantArt things.
May 2009 be kind to one and all!!!!
Hope everyone is having a good Christmas, Hannukah or Kwanzaa!
...when it comes to the temperature outside. Yes, it got above zero today! Woohoo!!!
A pretty mellow day today. Did laundry, cleaned a bathroom. Rather mundane stuff, eh?
Now... I'm watching TV up in my room again. Hopefully the feet won't fall asleep.