Welcome to my site. The same rules apply here as they do over on my original blog at MyOtaku. One day when I'm not feeling lazy, I'll post them over here.

Profile Information
Name: KitsuneTsuki
Birthday: June 5th
Gender: Female
Location: The Edge of Sanity
Occupation: Freestyle Lunatic, Goddess of Shiny Things
Real Name: Secret, but I'll give you a hint: It has two A's and two N's in it.


I ate too much.

How 'bout you?

Happiness is a new coat

I got a new winter coat today. It's orange and grey. Now I have to re-accessorize! Maybe.

Sorry that my life isn't any more exciting than that. I did get some more drawing done yesterday at work, but gave up last night at home when his feet woulnd't cooperate with me.



*falls off stool out because of immense boredom*

It's Monday. It's supposed to be busy. I am so bored. I had two days off, so I had three days' paperwork to catch up on... I had it all done by 4:30! I start work at 3:00! Something is not right.



Progress is being made slowly.

I acutally finished a picture today. Colored & everything. Even got it scanned in. Go me!

I just need to get a lot more pictures done.

Really now.

I must admit that the purchase of an iPod is something that I will do by the end of this year. I have $210 saved for it. Just need to get another $50 set aside and one will be mine! *insert evil laugh here*

Well... in the meantime, I've been playing around with iTunes on this computer since I got the thing almost 3 years ago. I was looking for an old tune that I really like and was searching on the group. I was curious about one song I saw listed, double clicked it to take a listen.... and iTunes shut down on me. *insert a few choice swear words here* The shut down may have something to do with the fact that there seems to be an upgrade to iTunes everytime I start it up! Argh! Really... how many times a month does it need to be upgraded?

< < < I N T E R M I S S I O N > > >

*ahem* Stupid update/install thingy seems to be sucking all computing power out of this thing right now. I had to wait for a couple minutes to be able to type that last paragraph.

Anyhoo... it's almost 1:00 a.m. I really should be considering sleep soon. I'm rather tired right now. But... I still wait for iTunes. O_O