Welcome to my site. The same rules apply here as they do over on my original blog at MyOtaku. One day when I'm not feeling lazy, I'll post them over here.

Profile Information
Name: KitsuneTsuki
Birthday: June 5th
Gender: Female
Location: The Edge of Sanity
Occupation: Freestyle Lunatic, Goddess of Shiny Things
Real Name: Secret, but I'll give you a hint: It has two A's and two N's in it.

Impending vacationdom!!

Yes... this one is on vacation in less than 48 hours! Approximately 38.5 hours from now, I will be making my way to the wilds of Maryland!! Yeeehaaa!!!

This is my first real vacation in about 6 years, so I am understandably quite excited. I just got my suitcase mostly packed. I say "mostly" because there's a couple things still drying that need to be added to it. In the morning I will get my carry on bag figured out. I've pretty much decided against taking the laptop with me. It'll be too much of a hassle to take the pokey thing onto the plane, what with security and all. But the DS is definitely going along! I can't live without the Indiana Jones Lego game right now. @_@

Well, I think I will wander off and post this in the other places and then go take a bath. I need to sit in a tub of water to relax a little bit...


Time is not moving fast enough

ntil it's here! Wheee!!!

Well... after vacation, things are going to be a little tight money-wise. I broke a tooth today! Arrgh! My car needs brakes! Double arrgh!!!!!!!

Why do things like this happen all at once? Triple argh!!!!!!


Very glad of a day off.

Last night at work was not fun. I ended up with a pounding headache by the end of the night. I won't go into details, but suffice it to say, 11:00 pm didn't come quick enough.

Well...not much is going on with me. I'm trying to figure out what I need to do to get ready for my vacation. Thursday is another day off and will be spent getting ready because I work Friday. Bleh.

That's about it for me....


*beats telephone to death with a noodle*


Been a while ... a few days, anyway.

Been doing the usual: work and sleep... work and sleep...

I did manage to get Saturday off to go see a couple friends I haven't seen in 6 years!!! They were up to Missouri Valley to ride in the annual bike ride across the state. Well, Aaron, his dad & his son are riding. Beth & Emily are the support crew. It was great to spend a couple hours talking to them in the afternoon.

After that, my brother & I went back up to SUX and went to see the Dark Knight. All I have to say is WOW. It's quite the movie. And I am still having problems believing that was Heath Ledger!!!! He did a very good job as the Joker.

So... here I am at work. Trying to avoid complete and total boredom. Yay.

Sinuses feel much better after a few days of 10 or more hours of sleep!
