A decent song, if I say so myself...
Tonight's subject lines have all been coming from whatever is on my iTunes as I start to post.
Anyhoo... had today off. Did the usual, complete with having to go down to the laundromat to get my stuff to actually dry.
So... Sunday at work was boring for the most part. It was also quite aggravating towards the end of the shift. Stupid, demanding people. I wish they'd just go away sometimes.
Well... Saturday night's hockey game was fun, but the outcome was not. We lost. I did have fun with my camera, though. Here's a little sample of hockey, Sioux City Style!! My Musketeers are in the black jerseys. The evil opponents from Lincoln are in light blue. Really. Sort of a baby blue color. Not very attractive. The black jerseys are quite nice looking. The first time the Muskies have had black jerseys. I like them.
Right in the middle of the screen, about halfway through this there's a pretty hard hit. You can tell it by the massive "Oh!!!" from the crowd.
That's it for me tonight.