I must admit that the purchase of an iPod is something that I will do by the end of this year. I have $210 saved for it. Just need to get another $50 set aside and one will be mine! *insert evil laugh here*
Well... in the meantime, I've been playing around with iTunes on this computer since I got the thing almost 3 years ago. I was looking for an old tune that I really like and was searching on the group. I was curious about one song I saw listed, double clicked it to take a listen.... and iTunes shut down on me. *insert a few choice swear words here* The shut down may have something to do with the fact that there seems to be an upgrade to iTunes everytime I start it up! Argh! Really... how many times a month does it need to be upgraded?
< < < I N T E R M I S S I O N > > >
*ahem* Stupid update/install thingy seems to be sucking all computing power out of this thing right now. I had to wait for a couple minutes to be able to type that last paragraph.
Anyhoo... it's almost 1:00 a.m. I really should be considering sleep soon. I'm rather tired right now. But... I still wait for iTunes. O_O