For O' Glorious Kitten 3!!!!

To the Lovey

To Dearest Idol

It is once again I your most loyal of all servants Queen. I have taken the time from my dastardly job to flatter you with the plain truth that is your beauty. The heavens weep heavily tonight because even the most beautiful creations par in comparison to you my Queen.

Your Devoted Servant
Fanboy Lonley

Dearest K3

To Dearest Kitty,

My modest and sincere goddess of beauty and surpass all existent standards with your pristine image. Truly ad idol among idols.

Your Devoted Follower,
Fanboy Lonley

My Goddess

To my goddess

You are the light in the evening sky that guides my heart. May the world come to know your unbelievable beauty and wisdom.

Yours Always,
Fanboy Lonley