Back to the cubby hole...

It's been a while since I've been on last. I feel bad because I had been writing a short story based off of welcome to the nhk and I was so proud of how it started. Then, I lost half of the story here and tried to re-write it but sadly it didn't work. I forgot everything and once I got down about it. I forgot about it and this site completely. RL matters got in the way too.

Too many things to deal with and not really working out for me. I was feeling quite chipper these last few weeks but this week has tested my patience. So... I have decided to focus all my energy and mind to everything I want to do, that I am capable of doing with out risking too much. Basically, I'm going to my little cubby hole and writing and learning. I even started my Japanese lessons again. I have to refresh everything though since I've even forgot how to count to 20. It's bad!

Since the local cable company decided to do and audit yesterday..(i had free cable for almost a year thanks to our heating tech guy) I no longer have cable and forced to watch local tv stations until we can get real cable...which is never til more money decides to appear. I'm gonna miss adult swim and my re-runs of chowder on a regular basis. It's what got me to sleep every night. haha.

Farewell til the next time.

NekoKimmi <3
