Christmas Break is here!

Finally christmas break ish here! omg im so happy ive been waiting all day yesterday for school to be out. :] i thaught this time was never gonna come and it did. it feels the same for christmas....which is next week xD in 6 days.....which is gonna feel like ages since i dont have to go to school and have nothing to do x3 lol. well anyways i had a great day yesterday! ^_^ i actually got gifts from my friends!=] im so happy i love the gifts i got :) (which is the picture) yea my friends got me almost the same thing without noticing lol . XD but i think its cute because i love stuffed animals to death!! they r so cute and cuddly! omg :D im still thinking of what i should name the penguins....(yesh i name my stuffed animals... im that lame D: )im thinking of naming the smaller one cloud because it is so small and fluffy and the bigger one zack....because hes older than cloud so i thaught it made sense! :D (any suggestions? ) and i got spoiled with candy yesterday!...bleh i still have a bunch more candy canes and candy in my room....which im not gonna eat until later because i had so much yesterday XD. well anwyays during 6th period we were supposed to be taking a test in the libaray but there was another class in the library too. and they had a guest speaker. and my teacher said we can go listen to the guest speaker because it was a once in a lifetime chance...and i was like well who is it? and she said that it was a survivor of the hollacaust. :O i was so surprised and i listened to her talk about the camps and how she almost got killed 3 times. it was amazing. i got to actually listen to someone speak about the hollacaust that was actually there! so that was quite intresting...and when i heard that bell (that ended 6th period and we could go home )...i heard the hallaljuh chourus in the background ^_^. i hope everyone has a great christmas break and enjoys christmas. merry christmas everyone and a happy new year ^_^.

arent they cute? =]


XxXSnow_QueenXxX < 3
