Super Special Awesome Printer!!

omg....i got this super special awesome printer (thats my nickname for it ...ive been saying super special awesome a lot lately...i dont know why) i totally loves it ~. It Prints!(no duh) SCANS!!! and Faxes!....although i dont have much use for the faxing ;A;. im loveing this printer now! im so happy my parents got it! now i can scan my pictures instead of taking horrible pictures and putting them on here. ;u; (of my art) sorry i didnt post i was away for a week....i went up north to visit my grandmother. and i spent christmas up there. and i got a super special awesome wii and my super special awesome cloud mascot strap thing! im getting a sora too! my mom said they r so cute and shes getting me another one. i might even get roxas with my own money xD. well how was everyones christmas? (i dont think anyone is going to respond to that....because noone reads my lonely...posts)anyways...i had fun up north ...if anyone wonders. lol it was a 12 hour road trip ;u; and on the way up there our tire blew and we were like 2 hours into the trip and we didnt even leave the state!we sat in the car for like an hour waiting for my dad to change the tire hiself ;u;. it was bad but i was txting my friend so i was happy. and it was quick. then we stopped in the second state (we were driving threw 4 states where the 1st is where i live and the 4th is our destination) and we stopped at this gas station and there was this guy going into the store and the door said ''push to open'' and the guy was like pulling the door and he was so confused bc it wouldnt open and then he saw the sign and he was like ''oh!'' i was laughing so hard. i dont know i think stupid stuff like that is hilarious. we got home this morning at 2 am..its 11 pm tired xD. -plays with printer OMG HIGH DEF. PICTURES!- oh..yea thats how amazing this printer mom said its the best printer on the market...well im guess if u have to pay $200+ for this printer its gonna be . well anyways.yea imma go now..soon i will upload some super special awesome pictures andd scan them with my super special awesome probably annoying yuew guys with that imma go now. :O omg i printed this super special awesome picture of zack! XD



~~ p.s. sorry i havent been posting...i havent been drawing much =[....i dont think anyone cares XD

~~ p.s.s. for the readers of my fan fic..if there are any...sorry i havent posted a chapter in months im actually still writing the next chapter...;u; im sorry again

i still love you all! < 3

