Start of a new year

Hello guys I had a great start to the new year yesterday :) I went to the movies with my cousins and we watched tron legacy! :) I loved the movie so much not to mention the main character was pretty hot :) lol my friend is jealous xP that I like him :3 . I had such a great time hanging out after watching the movie. And I spent the night at my cousins house which was fun :) and I got to get away from my brothers which was even better. I hope everyone had a great Xmas! I did :) I just have to wait for my gifts to get here. I got a ps3 a Wii 2 nintendo ds systems and a $300 iPod touch with 32 gigs! I'm so excited for my gifts to get here! I got a bunch of games for all the systems and 2 laptops and a lot of money and a pair of smexy boots that I love! < 3 I'm so grateful that god blessed me with these gifts. I had a very rough time in 2010.... I won't talk about what happened because it's a very personal situation ;u; very depressing as well. So I'm excited to throw any such a terrible year and I'm praying to god that this year will be much better and I will learn more and just appreciate everything better before all is slipped out from underneath me like a rug. You never know what you hAve until it's stolen from you. I hope everyone had a great start to the new year like I did as well thank you guys so much for everything.

School starts tomorrow which totally sucks ass but I'm getting more Xmas gifts from my friends which I'm excited about. Mid terms are coming up though so were like in ultra study mode so I'm going to have pounds and pounds of studying for homework to do which I am not excited about at all.... I still have a study guide to do which I haven't started on aNd it's due Tuesday... I'm such a procrastinator! And a bio project due Thursday that I barely started on. Lord help me ;u;

I got a lot of art done ... Okay. 2 drawings is not a Lot but it's enough xD I can't wait to shAre them withyou guys. Also I'm creating another challenge called music is my weapon. I'll be posting the information up soon so I hope u guys will join and participate in the challenge I love having participants! :) I love seeing there pretty and awesome artwork!

Man I feel so sick right now.... Well I'll post soon maybe when I have the time in my busy schedule ;(


XxXSnow_QueenXxX ~~ much love < 3
