Dissidia:Final Fantasy (PSP) (repost of ~*Twilight Lolita*~)

Dissidia: Final Fantasy - DKS3713:Characters Trailer (PSP)

Have you guys seen the newest vid for Dissidia? FUCKING AMAZING!! I can't wait for this to come out! Gah! I've been checking the official site, and I know for sure that-----
Garland and Warrior of Light from Final Fantasy 1
Emperor and Frioniel from Final Fantasy 2
Cloud of Darkness and Onion Knight from Final Fantasy 3
Squall and Ultimecia from Final Fantasy 8
Kuja and Zidane from Final Fantasy 9
Tidus and Jecht from Final Fantasy 10 are definately in the game!

And I've even seen Sephiroth in the trailers! AND KEFKA! But I haven't seen Cloud! HE'D BETTER BE IN THERE! Can't have Sephy without Cloud! But I think they might add more characters too! I'M SO EXCITED!!
I'm gonna shut up before I get my ass in trouble!!
