hey let me tell u a little about my self ^w^
hair: red
eyes: green
fav colors: grey, teal, black
fav animal: arctic fox
fav sport: im a brown belt in karate
my pets: 5 dogs, and 2 snakes
movie genres: horror, comedy
fav books: manga, fiction, mystery
i guess u can call me emo, but i really dont act like it online *shrugs* oh and by the way ill be posting stuff as a fox neko, so if u see *wags tail* or *ears twitch* or something of that sort, thats the reson. so ill just be posting randome stuff that i wanna post, ill also probubly be posting stuff that happens in my daily life. i will also probubly curse some what so be prepaired. i hope u all enjoy 

well today was interesting. first i get up with my friend who spent the night,cook my ramen and get ready for church, then i had to go get a bandaid for my friend because she cut her finger. And the next thing i know, my two dogs are fighting. LIKE THEY HAVE A HOLD OF EACH OTHERS FACES AND WONT LET GO! but this has happens alot so i get into where they are and start pushing them together and trying to stop them while i call for help. then befor i know it my female greatdane has a hold of my ancle in her jaws! She bite down on it twice through my skinny jeans and im sitting there screaming while my freind is scared shitless. Eventually my mom comes in and helps get them apart. I then end sitting in my living room, eating my ramen, with blood dripping out of gapeing holes in my leg. My friend calls her dad (hes a docter) and then he comes, takes me to his office with my sis, my mom, and my friend, and i end up getting stiches! MOTHER FUCKING SITCHES! it still hurts and if I dont take advil it starts to throb! and i had to go to my grandmothers house for my aunts b-day party and in the middle of it my sis throws a dog ball at my little cousin and it ends up hitting my stiches! I then start to cry alittle. and i know what your thinking, "oh it was just a couple stiches and you got bit, it cant possibly hurt that bad you bit pansy!" WELL GUESS WHAT!?! IT DOES HURT! a great dane is like being attacked my a bitbull or anyother dog, ounce they get you, they don't let go. my ankel is literally black and blue now. so isnt that wonderful?
(insert sarcasm here) just thought id share that little bit of my great life with you!!
gosh sometimes i hat my life -_-"
today has been the best day of my life >//w//< so my day started like this, i went to spanish, whent to band practice, went to math and took a benchmark (pretty sure i passed), went to science took a test (absolutly sure i failed), then i went and played in the vetrins day cerimoney in our town with a select group of people. and then walking back to the school, the guy i like comes up to me and asks me to the formal dance in may!! IM LIKE SO FUCKING HAPPY RIGHT NOW! I COULD BE ON DRUGS (WHICH IM NOT) THAT IM SO HAPPY! IN MY MIND THERE ARE RAINBOWS EXPLODING AND UNICORN SHAPED FIRE WORKS GOING OFF! THATS HOW HAPPY I AM!!!!!! now i have to find a dress lol
today sucked, and when i say sucked, i mean REALLY SUCKED. i found out i have a 69% in algebra 1, i got a F on my science quiz, and i had to clean out our foster kids closit because she tracked home bed bugs from her grandparents house. FUCKING BED BUGS! THAT SHIT IS DANGEROUS!! so we cleaned everything out of her closet ( there was about 500 peices of clothing in there because we keep clothes we grow out of in there), put them in bags, and take them to the garbage, then we had to all get showers and was our clothes that we cleaned in. it sucked. at least tomorow is friday, but then i have to fource my bro and sis to clean the kitchen WHICH I JUST FUCKING CLEANED ON MONDAY AND NOW ITS A BLOODY MESS AGAIN! so wish me the best of luck you all ^^"
hey, so i log in today, and i look at my profile and i see im a otaku+. what does this mean?? im kinda confused about it.. but then againg im counfused on alot of things lol. so, can someone answer my question?
ugg iv been sick for a while, but of coars i go to school still in coughing fits and not being able to talk very well in the morinings. well i went to my big bros haunted house tonight. and guess what. I LAUGHED ALL THE WAY THROUGH! i was shakeing the hands of the people like grabing me and i was also petting them XD like this one kid grabed my ankle under this like table, i grabed under the table, shook his hand, and said its nice to meet you. my brother said everyone in the haunted house said i was a nutjob! im now laughing my ass off! well anyway normal is overrated >:D