
Sweet ol' hanawa-chan tagged me, so let's see how this goes~ :D

What's your name?
=Narumaniac (Should've thought that name out). Just call me Nana, my middle name

=I'll be 16 in July!

Favorite colour(s)?
=Blue and green :) I really like blue lately (you can probably tell why)

Favorite band(s)/singer(s)?
=VOCALOID, RADWIMPS, The Last Goodnight, One Republic, Owl City, Maroon5, John Mayer, Bruno Marz, Black Eyed Peas, Taylor Swift, Colbie Callait, Beyonce, Rihanna, Lady Gaga... Oh, and how about Scotty McCreery? /:)

Favorite anime?
=Right now? Sekaiichi Hatsukoi BABY!! <3 <3 I can't wait for Natsume Yujincho to start next month either!

Favorite T.V show (not anime)?
=American Idol, Spongebob XD, America's Got Talent, Glee, etc. etc.

Favorite manga?
=Most Jump series, Sgt. Keroro, Kuroshituji, Saint☆Oniisan, I can't write 'em all... X3

Favorite Book/series?
=Oh I LOVED the Darren Shan series <3, The Hunger Games... Don't read much lately

Favorite Videogames?
=Final Fantasy VII, Dragon Quest, Pokemon series, Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Mario Party, Hatsune Miku -Project DIVA- series, etc.

Do you have a pet? What is it? What is it's name? Nickname? Breed?
=I have a calico cat named Coco :3 Not the smartest one I've ever had....

Who do you live with?
=Parents, sibling, pet

Got any brothers? Sisters?
=I have one bratty brother who's at Boy Scouts camp right now

Where do you live?
=Sweet home Alabamer! lol I swear I'm not a redneck

Do you go to school?
=Yeah, I go to a small private college prep school. I like it there :)

Where do you go to school?
=I'm not gonna tell the name of it~

Are you in a relationship?
=With who? KAITO? Yes *gets PUNCHED by fangirls*

Do you wish you were?
=Uh, yeah kinda?

What's your favorite food?
=sushi, yakisoba, jambalaya.... I love almost everything :D

What's your favorite animal(s)?
=I really like tigers and wolves. Big cats and wild dogs!!

Do you have more than one account on the otaku?
=Nah. I thought about it though

Did you ever have an account but erased it before this one?
=I'd probably never do such a thing

What was your username?
=As if I had one~

Do you have a lot of friends on theO?
=Mmm, IDK. I have fun talking to some buds like hanawa-chan and Janetchan and others I can't remember names at this moment :)

Do you like how your life is going?
=Yeah, sure why not! I have good friends and pursuit my hobbies XD

If you could go back in time would you?
=IDK, I probably would....

Do you do something that you and/or others wish you didn't do?
=I don't quite get the question :/ Don't you just love questions with bad grammar in it?

Do you usually talk to others when your upset?
=Yeah, I do, but I don't get upset very often

Are you kind?
=I try to? I don't know if it's working!

Are you funny?
=Again, I try to? XD

Forgot to ask this before! When is your Birthday?
=July 7th, 1995 :D Very special date in Japan

Wish someone should just go away?
=There are a few people.....

Do you like to draw?
=Heck YEAH! It's almost my living! lol

What's your hobbies?
=Drawing, singing, surfin' the net, watching anime, playin' video games, talkin' to friends... yeah :)

What colour is you hair?
=It's actually a reddish-brown, but you can't tell until it hits bright light

Eye colour?
=Brown, but I wear gray color contacts ;)

Got any piercing?
=I have one for each earlobe :D I like earrings

Do you have ratios? Stuff like that?
=What the heck are ratios?

Do you wear fake eyelashes?
=Who does that besides the 8th graders in my school? No offense

Fake nails?
=Same answer :P

Do you have long nails?
=I do at one point, and then I bite them off

What hollowed costumes have you worn?
=Hollowed...? Or is it Halloween? I've done a few things for Halloween.

Did you enjoy the quiz?
=Mm-hm. Not that bad; just needed editing /:)

Would you want a part 2nd the quiz?
=Sure. I call for more anime-related questions! lol

BTW I'm not gonna tag any people 'cause I don't wanna bother their summer :)
You never know if they're busy or not!

Anyways, thanks, hanawa-chan!!
