This is just a test...warning thi is just a test made by Edge to see how this new thing works.
- Created By Knight Edge
Rules are like Laws...-_-
So…it is me, Edge again…hmm…then again who else would I be at this point in time? That’s a brain teaser…well for me at least…
Anyways so I have realized one problem with publishing my “The Cursed Knight” story here on the Otaku…what could that be you ask? Well good question, the thing is I did not realize it until I went back to reading my story…in fact Xaos basically reminded me this when he commented…here let’s take a look at what he said…
“I know what you mean by having the posts having to be"PG-13" now. Some folks here were known to have cussing in their posts it's kinda weird hearing them censored now is kinda weird.”
Yeah…my story “The Cursed Knight” is not rated PG-13…and we all know that detail…so now I have to figure a way to post it without killing the story all together due to the language barrier that I am due to hit…in a very fast way…that and changing all those curse words into nice words…*puts gun to head*…I might as well just shot myself now…*man in black suit walks up to me and whispers in my ear*…-_-…really? I can’t even mention something like that in my post? *man in black shakes head side to side*…fine…I won’t shot myself….*sigh*…I’m starting to hate that guy in the black suit…so if any of you have any ideas on how I can submit my story without having to GUT it completely…then please let me know…for I am at a HUGE lost.
On a side note, I watched “Law Abiding Citizen” last night, and man that movie kicks some major ass! I mean it has you guessing everything while you are watching it. Gerard Butler is an amazing actor…and we all knew 300 was a clear preview into his future in the movies…anyways…GO SEE THAT MOVIE!!! *cough*…sorry about that…it’s been awhile since I’ve seen a movie that I felt was good enough to get a demand for others to see…well talk to you guys later.
An Idea...
So…I have decided to get off my lazy butt…I hate the fact I can not use the words that I want to…*sighs*…anyways I’ve decided that I am going to post my once famous, hopefully to become famous again, medieval slaughter fest, knight with a MASSIVE ego, turned to love story, turned to some other things I just can’t remember at this point, story…”The Cursed Knight”…YAY!...*crickets*…oh yeah…I forgot only two…or three at the most come to see me now and days…it is truly sad to not be remembered for all the awesome things I used to do…*sighs*…oh well. I suppose it is time to get back onto my high horse and trample all over people again…
*a guy wearing a black suit walks into room and whispers in my ear*
…*sigh*…ok it seems that trample over people is again the law…geez…I never get to have fun anymore…I should just get rid of the guy in the black suit…then again I heard they are like roaches…step on one two more come out of the wall…(yeah I know nasty way to put it)…oh well…hey if anyone has any ideas on how to make Edge famous again…let’s hear them…I’m despite…really…I am…*lowers head*…I believe I have never gone this low before in my whole Otaku career.
A Huge Return Party...NOT!
Hello everyone…*makes a victories entrance into the world of the living*…I have returned from a long awaited battle for the life of this site, and I have come out with victory has my award…hello? Anyone here…*crickets*…anyone? *crickets stop*…even the crickets have left me…
Oh well…no use in living within the past, time to get my life on the Otaku back up and running like it was before the change over to this new system called “theotaku”…it seems simple enough…but then again I just as well though fighting off death in the world of death would be simple…and that took like a year…(Not REAL just made some crap up to seem like I have been through some hard times)
Anyways I plan on reposting my epic…still not completed Story “The Cursed Knight”…I know…I have had years to finish it…and yet I have not…why you ask? Well…to put it simply…I have no idea why…just never did…oh well if Kita does not kill me then maybe I’ll get time to finish it…maybe…then again I’m pretty sure Kita will kill me for not getting to it sooner…oh well…that is the life of Edge…man haven’t said that in a while…I Edge am back and am ready to take this new Otaku by Storm…*crickets still silent*…I figured as much…damn crickets…good thing I brought a recording of people cheering…*plays record*…BOO!!!...0_0…wrong record…oh well…time to see what I can do to get back up and running…maybe I can get a link on someone’s page…or…better yet someone’s page who is getting famous…*starts thinking*…HA! I got it…I’ve heard of this thing called “The Otaku Host Club”…Edge shall become a host! *Someone walks up to Edge and whispers into my ear*…
What do you mean I can not become a host?! I am Edge! I was here before there was a Host club! I was the first person that I know to play as a Character in there own world…*person whispers something else into Edge’s ear*…really? Thousands of people have done what I have done? *persons nods their head to agree* …damn…oh well…
A Smashing Defeat
Well my life was going great, work was starting to finally slow down due to HELLoween finly ending. And we are starting to get ready for Christmas, which means good slow times...ahh it was great. Then yesterday...or today (Monday) whenever you read this happened. It started out good, took Misty to her student taching thing at an Elementry school...did some napping...and then picked her up at 3:00 PM. And then we came home so she could change. It was then we decided to go to the mall and go shopping for Misty so she could get more business like clothing. As we were pulling out of our apartment...we hit another car...the accident caused both cars to spin and our car's front passenger side was smashed and Misty's airbags went off causing a rug-burn like affect on her right arm. She had to be taken away in an Ambulance, but only because they were worried that she hurt her neck, which she didn't. The worst part is that the car belongs to Misty's family...and I was not suppose to be driving it. But her family is thankful that no one was hurt in the they aren't too worried that I was driving. We are both pecfectly fine, and hopefully the car will still be capable of running...we hope.
An Update
Hey long, how long as it been since I was last here? Well a better question is hopw long has it been since I posted? Well too long is probably the answer I would get if anyone who used to read my post reads this post.
Anyways I've been up to a lot latly, I wasn't able to get into college this semester due to my school start a new finacal aid paperwork...I didn't get the memo...-_-...But I'm taking advantage of this time off from school to work my ass into the ground. I'm currently working up to 30 hours a week, and for me that's WAY more than it used to be. Also since I'm talking about work right now I'm going to go ahead and annouce that within a year or so I plan on opening my own resturant...nothing classy...just a Pizza place...I'm going to make a Medieval themed Pizza place...should be interesting...right? So hey if any of you guys have an idea what I should call it go ahead and tell me. I'd like to know what you guys can think of, and maybe later I will tell you my idea...and if I like one of your ideas better than maybe I can use it...
Well that's it for now, so I do hope to hear from you guys...if you guys are still alive out there. Well talk to you guys later.