A Boring Night in the Mental Ward

So tonight has been yet another boring, yet very relaxing night in the mental ward. I have been listening to some music the past few hours, and ithas helped me stay focused on not falling alseep...want to guess the Soundtrack I was listening to? No? Well I'm going to tell you anyways...I have been listening to The Muppets Soundtrack from their newest movie...I will admit it was childish, but it was also a good movie. The music is so funny and cheerful that it just keeps you awake...that and once the song gets stuck in your head it'll never leave.

So I did as I was suggested to do, and I brought my laptop to work on some wallpapers, I have completed 3 new wallpapers, all of which can be seen in my portfolio...but then again if you are reading this post that means you are a friend of mine, which also means you already knew I had these wallpapers out before the post...well shut up and stop telling me what you know that I'm trying to say...wait...I just confused myself...

Anyways onto the last bit of business for tonights post. I'm still currently thinking about rewriting a story of mine few of you know about...(I say a few of you know because Kita and Kira are the only two that have read my last few post and I know Kita has read the story...but I do doubt Kira has read it...) Anyways I'm still considerin a rewrite...but I feel it would be dumb to rewrite it without me first rereading it and seeing what does not need to be in the story and what needs to be added.

Anyways I know I'm boring you guys to sleep with my random post...or is it just me I'm putting to sleep? Hell if I know...anyways I do hope to talk to you guys at a later time...
