AwesomeSammich is taking an awful long time to make me Founder of our group, dammit.
besides this, I have recently started cleaning out our group members list. Anyone who has been banned or deactivated their account is gone.
I'm also planning on finding some contributors and co founders, especially those who will take the time to review each submission they get. In emphasis to the Literature deviations, which I abhor reading since most of them are terrible, abound with grammar, punctuation and spelling mistakes, as well as having really awkward ways of telling stories, and forgetting to capitalize. (HOW CAN YOU FORGET THIS?!) Many of the stories make me feel sick to my stomach as I read them >__<
And I really wish to impose STANDARDS on to our group when I am made founder, for both art and literature pieces.
Does this sound too harsh?, and also, anyone interested in the job? =P
Deviantart Group Submissions/ TOO MUCH LIT