Yo! This is the ever-lovable Konpaku! My Skype name mod.konpaku
PEOPLE NOT WELCOME HERE: Ichigo, Ichigo's family, or any of Aizen's smartass male followers besides Neliel.
This is KON'S Domain, and you'll treat me with respect or buzz off! D<
Hey, guys! I found this tribute someone made to me and all my lion-ly glory!
Heheh *grins* Though some of the moments in this video make me look a bit foolish... -.- Still!
I think it's pretty great :D
Hey, everyone! It's me, Kon, your favorite mod soul!
I betcha missed me, huh? Heheheh!
But anyways, you heard me right! I'm back, and I should be posting regularly from here on out! Look forward to it!
Kita mentioned I haven't updated much.
So I shall update about my secret evil plot~
It's a plot...and it's secret.
: D
(No, Ichigo, it doesn't involve you.)
P.S. Back to being a stuffed lion. -.- *sighs* It was fun while it lasted~ This is all Grimmjow's fault, btw - or maybe Ichigo's. I don't remember. >> It's both, I'm sure. I might post the story of the Sentient Cottonball later...