Huzzah! I figured since some of my friends mostly use TheO now, I'd make a life site of my own! It'll most likely be the same posts as my MyO one, but hey, you never know xD But anyway. Here be thy basics~
*Name: Lauren. But please, call me Koo.
*Birthday: 7/22/93 I'm 15, You betcha~
Book: Speak, Twilight series and A Walk to Remember
Anime/Manga: Furuba, Bleach, Faeries' Landing, Loveless, and lots more!
Bands: Saosin, Goo Goo Dolls, Seether, 3 Doors Down, Hinder, Staind, etc
Singers: Taylor Swift, Cascada, Gwen Stefani, Gary Allan, Justin Timberlake xD Timberland
Movie: Transformers, Hellboy, Steel Magnolias :3
*I like water :3 *dances in rain*
*My favorite color is blue
*My friends and family kick arse
*I'm pretty open minded
* I love to sing. It's kind of a talent I guess.
And yeah~ soes! Wanna be friends? Just sign the GB, add me, and we'll chat sometime ^^ And go visit my friends!
Now, remember: "When nature calls, you probably should answer it. It might be important! D:"


This ish Froggy and I'm on Duckies site. XD Ducky your site has now been blessed with Froggy guest posting-ness. XP

I love jooooo!!


Soaked at Perham's! Woo!

So, my grandparents and my brother and I went up to South Paris to Perham's gems, and we got cool rocks at the store and then decided to try going up the trail to the mines. Well, not the greatest idea. Since it started raining, that is. Now, I love rain, but I was soaked and freezing D:
Anwyay, I hope you alls have an awesome day!

Yay for Funtown!

And Splashtown ^^ Since it's my last summer as a girl scout, we went to Funtown Splashtown and it was wicked fun. I've never actually been to Splashtown before, but I really liked it. I went on this thing called the Tornado and it's like a huge funnel. The green and yellow thing is the Tornado ^^ At first, we were allowed to bring a friend if they paid, but I didn't ask anyone, so then on Monday when we went we thought my troop leader (co-leader tecnically, my other one is my mom) had two extra tickets. Anyway, she gave them away but hadn't actually bought them yet, so I could invite someone. I called Kayla, but she was saving money up for a concert so I called my cousin Katie. (She was up with her dad for the week) And off we went. We went on most of the slides in Splashtown, and we each got a Waterslide Mudslide drink (frozen cappucino with irish cream basically.), plus fries and fried dough. It was yummy

First pooooost

Huzzah! Welcome to Kooland everyone. I have to post about Funtown, but I'll do that in a minute. If you can't tell, the picture in the background is the movie version of A Walk To Remember. So yeah. TAFN, posting about Funtown later! Baaai!