K-On! (けいおん!, Keion!?) is a Japanese four-panel comic strip manga written and illustrated by Kakifly. The manga started serialization in Houbunsha's seinen manga magazine Manga Time Kirara since the May 2007 issue, and will conclude in the October 2010 issue. It was also serialized in Houbunsha's magazine Manga Time Kirara Carat. A 13-episode anime adaptation produced by Kyoto Animation aired in Japan between April and June 2009. An additional original video animation episode was released in January 2010. A second season, titled K-On!! (with two exclamation marks), began airing in Japan from April 7, 2010. The title of the series comes from the Japanese word for light music, keiongaku (軽音楽?), but in the Japanese context is similar to pop music. :]

-KooLness is On Now- or K.O.N is a blogroll inteded for giving informations about one of the coolest anime of today, K-On. This is dedicated to all K-On fans out there. I'll try to give you infos that are unique and i'll try to make this blog/world COOL. See yah around.

Huami-chan ♥

I hope you all still remember me. :] Huamichan is BACK in action after a long VACATION.. ♥ Jane! :]

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