hi! welcome to korean wold..hehehe..as you can see... i created this world because i'm a huge fan of korea's boy groups and other girl groups ..hehehe.. this world will be filled with pics..(of the group of course)
- Created By meirin
Kyu hyun
Real Name: 조규현 Cho Kyu Hyun
Stage Name: 규현 Kyuhyun
Chinese Name: 奎賢 Kui Xian
Date of Birth: February 3, 1988
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 68 kg
Blood Type: A
Hobbies: Singing, Playing Computer Games
Casting: Chin Chin Singing Competition, 3rd place
First Appearance: "New Single Jacket Photoshoot" news on television
Ki bum
Real Name: 김기범 Kim Ki Bum
Stage Name: 기범 Kibum
Chinese Name: 基范 Ji Fan
Date of Birth: August 21, 1987
Height: 179 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Blood Type: A
Hobbies: practicing singing, practicing facial expressions
Casting: Starlight Casting System 2002
First Appearance: April 2004, KBS "April Kiss" TV Series
Ryeo wook
Real Name: 김려욱 Kim Ryeo Wook
Stage Name: 려욱 Ryeowook
Chinese Name: 麗旭 Li Xu
Date of Birth: June 21, 1987
Height: 173 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Blood Type: O
Hobbies: singing, composing music
Casting: CMB Youth ChinChin Festival Popular Reward 2004
First Appearance: June 2004, MBC "Starry Night" Contest 1st Place
Real Name: 최시원 Choi Si Won
Stage Name: 시원 Siwon (official) | Shiwon (unofficial)
Chinese Name: 始源 Shi Yuan
Date of Birth: February 10, 1987 | Real: April 7, 1986
Height: 183 cm
Weight: 65 kg
Blood Type: B
Hobbies: singing, dancing, watching movies, Taekwondo, Chinese (language), playing drums
Casting: Starlight Casting System 2003
First Appearance: October 2003, Dana MV "What is Love"
Dong hae
Real Name: 이동해 Lee Dong Hae
Stage Name: 동해 Donghae
Chinese Name: 東海 Dong Hai
Date of Birth: October 15, 1986
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Blood Type: A
Hobbies: dancing, sport, singing, watching movies
Casting: 3rd SM Youth Best Selection Best Outward Appearance 1st place, Wholeness Compensation 2001
First Appearance: November 2005, SBS "Shin DongYop's There Is There Isn't" panel