Welcome to the World of Korey/Kaydirt.

I update randomly and in many cases not too often. But stick around. It might be more fun as we go along.

If you want to know who I am, then take some time to read my posts, you might learn a thing or two. Otherwise, either PM me or seek me in the Community Chat. I'm somewhere on here, lurking about.

You're Gonna Go Far, Kid

While Boo makes fun of my love of the Offspring, I have really started listening to them a lot (I blame Pandora). It's funny how you listen to some songs and you know them, but you never really realized how many songs you know by a band until you ...

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So you want to be a journalist?

Well first things first, bucko. You have to be able to write, a lot. Like it, too. You have to able to churn out stories on a bi-daily basis. It's a lot of calling, a lot of scheduling and a lot of frustration. What's the reward?

Not pay, that's for sure :/

The reward is seeing someone pick up your paper and read it. Knowing that they maybe, just maybe might catch a glimpse of your article and read it. You don't even have to be present to see it. It's the feeling that people are reading what you have to say and commenting on it, or not. Either way, it's nice to see that kind of payoff.

So I finally gain some gusto to put up a blog and I go off on this rant about how being a journalist is so frustrating yet so cool. I forgot my manners, again.

So it's been officially confirmed that my lady is coming down to El Paso for spring break. I can't wait! She doesn't think that I'm excited enough, but it's anything but. I'm already planning what I want to happen, what I'm going to wear...etc. Honestly, I'm a little bit nervous, because her dad is coming down with her and I want to make a good impression. When it's the dad, you have to make an especially good impression, because they're the ones that their daughters cling onto the most. The thing I've come to realize that Mommy will become Mom over time, but Daddy will always be Daddy.

The thing I wonder about the most is, why is it the opposite for men? Is it some sort of cosmic balance? Daughters and Fathers go together and Mothers and Sons go together as well? It's definitely something worth pondering, but then again...that's only speaking in generalities.

In other news (ha, jounalism pun), I've been diligently back in school for a month now and I'm very pleased with my progress so far. I received an A on my first Journalism Law Exam, with little to no studying involved. I guess answering the Study Guide is my form of studying, then a quick glance 30 minutes before class normally tides me down. But overall, I've almost never studied, at all. You can throw the tomatoes, now.

Also, OMFGWTFBBQ? There's snow here in the desert. When I was driving to class this morning, There was snow falling and the wind was blowing every which way. That's the thing about living in the desert, the weather defies logic. Just three days ago it was sunny and 70 degrees. Now it's 30 and snowing? Great.

If there ever was a chance to sing "What's This?" from Nightmare Before Christmas, it would be now. I've seen snow in El Paso so many times I can count it on 4 fingers.

So that's the lesson for today kids, come back tomorrow. Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel.


The Gift and the Curse

Alright, before we get this started, I'd like to thank Shishou for her input on the world design. Much love, miss.
Now onto business. It's been brought up a lot of times in my history of modding the chat here at theO and I'd like to bring this up to everyone so we're on the same page.. I'm a chat moderator theotaku.com's community chat. It's my job to do these things.

1: Watch the members and supervise them. If they have questions or need assistance, I'm more than glad to help.
2: Warn members who don't follow the rules and encourage them to follow the, rules. I don't make them up and I don't play favorites. You break the rules; I bust you; you get warned.

While I'm a very cordial person, I don't necessarily want to be your friend , nor do I consider myself to be one of yours. Sure, it sounds rather demeaning, but I don't know any of you personally outside a select few people. I like to get to know people on my own terms and when I get to know you, then I can call you friends.

Now, my job will always come first in the chat . I've warned everyone with out a any sort of favoritism or personal feelings. The rules are pretty cut and dry and they don't leave much room for interpretation. If you have any questions about them, I'd be happy to discuss them and bring them up to SunfallE, but I'm not about to take back any warnings because you don't agree with the rules. If you want to not get warned, don't break the rules. Simple.

Chat moderation may seem like a glamorous job, but in reality it's not. It's a boring and relatively uneventful job. You are ultimately responsible for keeping others out of the fire and behaving, and it's your job to keep order of the whole chat. Sounds pretty daunting doesn't it? So while we may look and talk like rock stars, we're really the roadies.


So now that the record's set straight, lemme point out some gripes I have with some of the things that go on in the chat.

Perversion isn't cool
. No matter who you are, it's wrong and inappropriate . Making another room that you may think gets you away from mods actually doesn't . You are still responsible for your actions and if another member reports you, you're gonna get punished.

Mods can be leery of you if you have a reputation.
This is another thing that really gets me. A member causes an action, by themselves, and they get upset because the mods get on their case and then watch over them. The problem is self inflicted and we have the right to question you. That's our job.You want us not to be watching over you, then don't do it. It's simple.

Mods are People too. We have the right to talk to whomever we wish, Whenever we want. We can go to different rooms. We have feelings. We are here to serve you members, but we are NOT here to be your personal help desk. Many problems can be solved by simply looking up the answer on the site. If you have issues with a m member, then bring them up. However don't be like this:


That's not gonna net you anything. Look up the Chat rules before bringing up an issue.

Ok I feel better now, take care everyone.



Yes it's true. Korey is having a contest. Here's the rules.

Using this picture:

Make fun of it how you wish and I'll use who I deem the winner as my avatar.


-Make it in good taste
-Has to be 100 by 100
-Be Creative
-Be Funny

Have fun guys,


Yup, that's probably your reaction when you realized that I've just updated. LIEK ZOMG KORAY HAZ UPDATES?! NO WAI!!!!

Yesh. Updatez, I haz dem.

I have two jobs right now, one is pretty cool and the other....not so much. My first job is at the campus newspaper as a sports reporter. I get minimum wage and can only work so many hours a week, but it's great experience for my career and puts a good mark on my resume. The other job is working for tips only at a local grocery store bagging groceries. It's not glamorous work and I have to compete with 50+ year old Korean ladies who can't get real jobs in order to get money, but it's money in my pocket that's non-taxable. I look like a stripper when I go to pay for stuff, since it's mostly in singles.... and I'm fine with that.

Relationship wise, everything is going along swimmingly. I love Afton more and more each day and even if it's a long distance thing, we make it work and I couldn't ask for much more. She's always there for me and supports me all the time. She makes a big deal outta me and tells me all sorts of things that I don't believe are true (being the man of her dreams, for instance) but I'm kinda warming up to the idea. It's hard to go the day without speaking to her. She's just that awesome, people.

I hope everyone had a great Halloween weekend and didn't overload on candy too much. I was out watching my sister cheerlead for senior night, and while most people would classify that as a bad Halloween, my sister will take precedence over any party. Family's forever and all that.

So there is a small update to keep you guys sated. Keep on keeping on.
