My life is over!!!! *bawl bawl bawl*

Something has occurred to me....

Kids these days are the whiniest, most depressing, obnoxious, snot dribbling little duckies ever. I don't know if it's a reflection of our pessimistic society, or the fact that kids these days aren't taught any coping skills, but I'm frankly tired of the bawlfests that occur in the chatroom. I was taught from an early age how to deal with my problems in a safe and healthy manner. I may vent to someone, but that someone is ONE PERSONwhom I trust to give me solid advice and make me reflect upon the situation with their personal points of view. I don't bawl to a full chatroom of people about the most nonsensical drivel that is not the end of the world. Until you've truly had your heart broken/your soul ripped out from you/had a person die on you/, kindly:





Deal with your problems on your own or keep them private. I'm tired of hearing about them in the chat when I'm trying to socialize with others. Cry your rants out on Myspace/LiveJournal/WHATEVER. The chat is not your personal blog to rave about your shortcomings and hope to find a sympathetic ear. Call me heartless, call me cold, but I'm tired of you kids coming to the chat to bawl to the internet when you're lacking the skills to cope with the problem on your own. If you MUST complain to someone, make it a private chat, so I don't have to see it.

Here's my advice:

GF/BF broke up with you? Get over it.

Parents on your case? Get used to it.

Best friend and you had an arguement? Give them space.

Your bestest chat buddy not online? Grow up and stop freaking out.

Seriously kids, wtf?

