I deny thee, age.

Why do I feel so old sometimes?

I'm only 20 years old and sometimes I feel like I've been on the Earth for longer than that. I have experienced a lot of things and most of them have been awesome. But I'm also at a point where I feel that I'm ready for the next stage in my life (career). I mean, I realize that college is certainly important, but I've had the training for the job I'm currently in for four years before I even hit college. So I'm at a point where I'm ahead of my colleagues. But I feel I could handle anything that someone puts in my path at this point.

My Fourth of July was pretty relaxing and I got to watch some great fireworks. We also played the music edition of that game, Catch Phrase. I was actually astounded by what I knew as far as music went. I did best in the nineties category, but I did pretty well in the 80s as well, although I only listen to select songs from that era. It was rather fun to play.

Also, I want to get this dang Boot off of my foot now. It's very annoying to have to put it on just to stand up or walk. I can't wait until the 21st.

Also, the last Underworld movie makes no sense to me. Can someone explain it to me?
