Jai Ho!

Oh hey.

So, I've been lazy enough to not update in forever. But my life is really that boring that I don't have the content to update you duckies on. Afton and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary on the 11th of this month, and I finally got a job working for Abercrombie and Fitch. Unfortunately, the job kind of stinks since I have to call-in before certain shifts and they can tell me that they don't need me to help, which means no work that day. This is bad for someone who needs money for college expenses.

I got the boot off of my foot last week and it's been a breath of fresh air to be able to walk around on two feet again without medical assistance. Although I can't run and jump quite yet, it's been nice to walk around again.

I saw The Ugly Truth on Saturday with my family. It was really funny. Lots of potty humor and the storyline is very predictable, but it doesn't stop it from being very funny. I haven't seen a movie with Gerard Butler since 300, so you can imagine all of the Leonidas jokes that were made. Katherine Heigl plays a slightly different role in this one: A successful woman who has her world changed when she meets some uncouth schmuck and she falls in love with him after a long period of time and comedic episodes.


But anyways, c'est la vie.

