Interstate Love Song

Howdy everyone,

Just posting on this lazy Sunday afternoon. I've done some various things around the house (cleaned up the room, took the weed eater to the back yard, made lunch) and now just surfing the web. I kind of wish I could have more of those days sometimes, because life gets hectic so fast and before you know it, you kind of take those days for granted. So, if you're having a slow day and are thinking "Man, this day is slow." Stop and think about it.

You might not get a whole lot of those later on in life.

I've always been one of those types of guys that likes to take things as they come, and not worry too much about the future. Why worry about things that might or might not happen? I like dealing with certainty, not possibility. I could find a 20 dollar bill on the ground, I might get run over by a truck that went steamrolling through my house. But why worry about that? Take life for what it is right now, at this moment. You might not get another moment exactly like this one and if you get so narrow-sighted about the the future, you lose sight of things that are right in front of you.

Anyways, I'd like to announce that Otaku Jeopardy is back for a new season on Make sure to sign up and test your wit against each other.

Also, make sure to check out the Arcade section on the Forums for the latest in Gaming news and reviews. I'm going to be taking a bit of a more active approach to my section and posting all sorts of articles that I find.

Take care everyone!

