Warning! Incoming Rant

I don't usually do this sort of blog thing, because I'm a capable person who is able to vent his frustration to the proper channels and not make a big deal about it. But this isn't one of those cases.

I was having a conversation with a friend of mine and we were discussing grades in school. She was talking about her GPA and I mentioned (jokingly) that I wouldn't say mine, because I didn't want to seem like I was boasting. To which my friend quips:

"LOL. You're probably rocks. Thats cool. No offense, but I'm living on my own, so I still think I have one up on you."


The conversation continues where I try to brush it off, because apparently being a 21 year old who still lives with his parents is a bad thing in this person's eyes. And then I get this zinger.

"Still, I consider myself a better person for having gone it mostly alone. Maybe someday you'll know what it feels like."

Hold the phone....what?

I'm only 21, so I don't understand how living with my parents is a bad thing at this stage in life. A lot of kids stay with their parents through college. For me, economically, it was a wiser decision to do so. And it was a wise decision to not have to have my parents in another country while I went to school. Just be cause you live on your own, doesn't make you a more mature person or a better person. It makes you a person who lives on their own.I can see the independence part of things, and in that aspect they have a valid point. But I still don't see why independence makes you a better person.

Now, I don't think that it's too far fetched to call this person condescending and quite honestly, a huge youknowwhat in this situation...but maybe I'm being too sensitive and taking things out of context.

Or maybe I do need to get that independence in order to stop being seen as the "guy who still lives with his mom."

Whatever. Bye.
