Poker Face

In a clever, yet not so clever attempt to steal Beth's idea on putting pandora songs. I took a song from my iTunes library and put it as my song title. Lady Gaga is one my recent celebrity crushes and her songs are very catchy. So yeah, poker face. You can't read mine.

My sis is leaving tomorrow for Orlando for cheerleading. I will miss her, but at least she'll get to have fun and possibly wind up on ESPN. So props to my sister, for achieving more than I did in high school. Not to say I was a slacker (cough, 3.86 GPA) , but I never got to do something so grand. My out of town trips were to....Houston, Colorado Springs, and Northern Texas (around Amarillo), but not Orlando.

So now I have a revelation. People are going to be immature and act like idiots every single day. There's no avoiding them, but the important thing is knowing when to stand your ground and when to back away from confrontation. At my local rec center on campus, I enjoy playing basketball with some friends of mine. We get together every other day and shoot some hoops and enjoy each other's company. I had a lot of fun and some time to kill yesterday. So I went back a second time to the rec center, to pick up some games. The group that I played with was less than mature, to say the least. Arguing like fifth graders over scores, fouls, and every single thing on the court. And it included a lot of expletives and almost resulted in some fist fights. I was in that particular game and I just had to walk away from that circus. I was there to play ball, not to argue over dumb things. I'll call fouls when I truly feel that I was fouled hard, not over some slap of the wrist. The guys that were there acted like they were God's gift to basketball. My question was, "If you're so good, why aren't you playing on our team?"

So lesson learned, hopefully. Back out of dumb situations like that, before you get caught up in them when you had nothing to do with it in the first place. No matter who is calling you what or what they say about your mom, just walk away from confrontation. It sounds cheesy, but you keep your dignity and avoid further consequences.


So yeah, lot of things swirling about in my head...but it's all just random thoughts. And now I'm blighted by the fact that I have a krick in my neck. About a month until the lady visits for Spring Break, and I can't wait. I already need a vacation.

Take care folks,
