I heard this song on the radio today as I drove to school and it's a nice tune from the Offspring. Not too often you hear something that mellow from them, but it's a great song and segways into my next thought.
My poor GF. She got braces yesterday and got her spacers put in. Long story short, her teeth are killing her and she is in a lot of pain. I feel so sorry for her. It's one of those helpless moments where you wish you could do something, but you know you really can't do anything but offer support. Which segways into my next thought.
A friend of mine was having problems with her significant other. It seems that he doesn't want to communicate with her and she feels that if she makes a mistake, that he doesn't tell her. From my perspective as a guy, that would leave me to believe that he doesn't feel comfortable telling her things or doesn't want to deal with negative feelings about her, in an effort to avoid fighting. This is rather unhealthy and doesn't lead to a good relationship. Communication is key to building trust, and if you can't communicate with someone, then it's not worth being in a relationship. Not only will both parties be in the dark, it will lead to lying and the withholding of information.
But I keep my nose out of that mess, I've had a rather colored past trying to help my friends through those sorts of things and I've learned painfully well that sometimes it's best to just let nature take its course.
My mom called us yesterday while she was on vacation in Orlando. It's funny, because my mom feels bad for having to leave my brother and I behind while they went to Orlando. Our family is rather tightly bonded and we share everything with each other. To not be able to experience this with them is a big deal to my mom. I could hear it in her voice. She wasn't outright crying, but you could tell she was sad.
That's all I have to report so far, so I'll see you cats later.