When someone asks you to do something, you just comply? There shouldn't have to be some sort of hullaballoo about how things should be run on theOtaku. If you have an issue with someone on the staff or things that should go on, then please inform the proper people so it can be dealt with. Drawing more attention to yourself by attempting to "play moderator" is one way of how NOT to do things. Beth's moderation post sums it nicer than I could, but I will say this. The moderation staff is on the site for a reason and we do our jobs reasonably well. All complaints/queries should be forwarded to the proper authorities so said issues can be resolved efficiently and immediately.
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Also, the missus and I have the weirdest conversations....
Afton says:
why you no talking
Korey says:
*is updating*
Afton says:
oh lol
Afton says:
i forgots
Korey says:
Afton says:
i have short term memory
Korey says:
memory or memory loss?
Afton says:
you are teasing me now
Korey says:
Korey says:
just need that clarification
Afton says:
Afton says:
i just forgot i think
Korey says:
Because if you said "I have short term memory, then you can't remember long term things"
Korey says:
Short term memory loss, however, means you can't remember recent things
Afton says:
i kno
Afton says:
and who r u
Korey says:
I'm your conscience Afton
Korey says:
We haven't spoke in a while
Korey says:
how are you?
Afton says:
oh dear
Afton says:
i am well and you mr conscience
Korey says:
Can't complain
Afton says:
i see
Korey says:
Yeah >.>