Konichiwa Mina-san!!

The name's Andy and welcome to my world ^^
I'll be posting a few thing now and then so feel free to drop by and check it out

Aqua Timez

ah who can 4get the opening music where kon is singing alone XD
well here's the original video by aqua timez


any bleach fan or person who's watched bleach would know this vid

not gona be here

well i think im gona take a break from theO this wk, so most of u wont see me as much as u use to. well see u all nxt wk then. ciao

the most worst anime live movie ever made!!

what the hell bullshit is this?? the hair isnt right, the storyline isnt correct hell goku never even went to school for that matter of fact! clearly this is like an insult to the great creator of DBZ, i hope this piece of shit movie gets burned! everyone's personality in that movie is so wrong, doesnt fit the anime characters at all.
well here's a vid of it, hope u guys get all pissed off at the preview as much as i did


what the heck is wrong with the youths of today!!!
a dad at the age of 13!!
well check out the vid and give an opinion on what u think of this situation