I'm afraid of 15 out of 62 common fears

I fear ...

[] black people <---Can u believe they put this one on first =.="
[] the dark
[x] staying single forever <---Is that a Fear?
[] being a parent <---You guys gotta give me this one
[] being myself in front of others
[] open spaces
[] closed spaces
[] heights <---im not afraid of heights but im afraid of falling down, does that count???
[] dogs <---Afraid of thier BITE!!! or teeth lol^^
[] birds
[] fish
[x] spiders <---afraid them biting
[] flowers or other plants <---Poison Ivy???
Total so far: 2

[] being touched <---Haha depends on who lol^^
[] fire <---Do u get burnt or just fire in genaral?
[] deep deep water <---hehe afraid of drowning, but not deep water....
[] snakes <---Hmmm....do they bite???
[] silk
[] the ocean
[] failure <---Hahaha have been in Accounting class since grade 8 lol^^
[] success
[] thunder/lightning <---Will it hit me??? if it hits me then YEAH!
[] frogs/toads
[] my boyfriends/girlfriends dad
[] my boyfriends/girlfriends mom
[] rats <---Hehe they are cute man...
[] jumping from high places <---hehe im smart, I wnt jump then i wnt be scard of it =P
[] snow <--- is there actually a fear for snow???
Total so far: 2

[] rain
[] wind
[x] crossing hanging bridges <---Hahaa...cant blame me....
[x] death <---I dnt wanna die after all the stress =P
[x] heaven <---Hey if everyone wants to go to heaven, even then bad ppl then YEAH
[] being robbed/mugged <---As long as i am alive im fine, dnt have anything for them to take =P
[x] falling off a cliff
[] clown
[] dolls <---What kinda dolls??? but neva the less i freak out but dolls either way
[] large crowds of people
[x] men <---only if they are in prison...>.<"
[x] women <---Hahaa u know when all men fear women!! XD
[] having great responsibilities
[] doctors <---If the docter is a HOT lady then NO WAYS!!!
[] tornadoes
Total so far: 8

[] hurricanes <---Whahaha i am the Hurrican!!!lol FEAR ME!!!!
[x] incurable diseases <---Well duh if im afraid of death....
[] sharks
[] Friday the 13th <---what if thats my friends Birthday????
[] scary movies
[] poverty
[] Halloween
[x] school <---does that include varsity ma?? becz im afraid of the Chief
[] trains
[] odd numbers
[] even numbers
[] being alone
[x] becoming blind <---YEAH...then i cant see the beautyz of the world
[x] becoming deaf <---Mhmm.....
[x] growing up, old <---Growing up till 18 - 21 PERFECT, no older otherwise (....)
Total so far: 13

[x] creepy noises in the night <---i hate the boggy man
[x] not accomplishing my dreams/goals <---First president of South Africa ( Taiwanese)
[] needles
[] blood

Grand Total: 15
If you get more than 30, get some counseling.
If you get more than 20, you’re paranoid.
If you get 11-20, you are normal.
If you get 10 or less, you’re fearless.
People who don’t have any are full of crap.
Tag 10 of your friends and find out whether or not they suffer paranoia.
Now tag ten people and let them fill out the note,
see what they are scared of!

Now re-post with:
“I'm afraid of __ out of 62 common fears"
