tuesday coolness

hmmm lets see, today's kinda chilly and cold after having a few days of hotness and such, not doing much except talking to some friends and stuff, and realized i should stop caring for em, since nothing would happen, sure i might be like is everything fine, or when things are gona be done over there, in the end its all up to themselves to see things thru. if they say they're fine then they're fine, and if they take their time completing things then thats their pace.
haha sometimes i think i bring back sad memories for a few friends, probably coz i was with them during their most difficult of times and if they talked to me it would bring back memories, so im guessing its time for me to say goodbye to a few friends and let them carry on with their lives etc etc
sure they'd say things like "i'll miss you, dont go, stay etc etc" but in all honesty they're more likely to 4get me than 4get someone who owed them cash. everything is a lie just so they can make me stay. so you know what? im tired of the lies, they make me stay and yet they dont even talk to me so why bother? anyways im gona start deleting afew people on my fb and msn, if your one of them i have on my msn and fb well lets hope i dont delete you guys then, well its not like most of you guys actually talk to me on msn anyways except for a few people.
